Mc'Mess: Chapter 8

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L opened the door and got out of the backseat of the car. He put child lock on the door before closing it, then walked to the other side and did the same with it so she wouldn't be able to get out without someone opening it from the outside.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a child lock for the front doors, but he was sure that if she even tried to open them up then he'd hear it.

L walked back to his side and got in the drivers seat, closing and locking all the doors in the car when he did. He pulled the lever underneath the seat to recline, making the seat go as far back as possible and leaned back, propping his feet up on the dashboard.

He closed his eyes, planing to rest for a little bit before he continued to drive. He wasn't worried about someone stoping or trying to brake in, because just as Lyla had suspected, not many people is going to be coming down this road, especially at night.

L's eyes was closed, but he knew Lyla was still sitting up in the backseat and was watching him. She had stopped crying for the most part, but still had the occasional sniffles.

"Better get some rest, little girl. We'll be leaving when I get up."

He wasn't going to make her lay down or go to sleep, but was suggesting for her to do so. He didn't care if she did or not, she could sit there all night if she wanted to, as long as she was quiet so he could rest.

He heard the movement and the whimper that came from the back, and knew she was moving around and positioning herself to lay down across the back seats.


10 minutes past since Lyla laid down. But she was still very much awake, just laying there and listening to the sounds around her. She forced herself to be quiet and not cry or sniffle or make any type of noice, not wanting to disturb L and him get mad.

She listened to the sounds of the night. She heard the crickets chirping, an owl hooing, the wind blowing the trees. She heard the soft breaths of L as he laid in the front, breathing in and out. She listened to her own breath, but it wasn't nearly as soft and relaxed as L's was.

She looked out of the window the best she could as she laid down, looking up at the sky. The sky was filled with stars, especially visible since there was no light or street lights around to make it hard to see them.

As she stared up at the many stars in the sky, she felt herself began to get sleepy, even if her bottom was still burning from what just happened not even 20 minutes ago.

She was laying on her side so the seat or anything else wasn't touching the slightest bit of her backside.

As she watched the sky, her eyes began to close on their own, and sleep finally overtook her.


The first thing Lyla noticed after opening her eyes, was the sun shining through the car and hitting her in the face, making her close them back and bring her hand up to block the harsh light. Second thing she noticed, was that L was no longer laying down and was now in the front seat driving.

She wondered how long it had been since he had woke up. She slightly raised up and squinted her eyes to try and see the time up on the dashboard.

'9:16' she read to herself. 'Not that early' she thought and yawned. Trying to stop it by covering her mouth, she internally cursed, not meaning to alert L that she was awake.... but that was to late now.

L looked up in the rear view mirror, making eye contact with Lyla before looking back at the road. "Since your awake you need to sit up and put your seat belt on. I don't want to get pulled over"

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