005: Halloween

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It has been a few days since Max had visited Mavericks house and Maverick hasn't seen her since

Well he's seen her in the hallways and he try's to talk to her in class but she seemed very distant. Had he done something wrong?

It didn't help that today was one of Mavericks least favorite days; Halloween. Before when his mum was alive she always made sure they did something whether it was trick or treating or just watching a movie but when she passes it all kind of just stopped.

Maverick would lay in his bed with his guitar In his hands and Leo laying next to him playing with his toys the Alvarez children would spend their night inside entertaining themselves.

The bell rang as all the students left their classrooms. Maverick was quiet as he had his headphones on not wanting to be disturbed

on the other side of the hallway stood Max with Lucas and Dustin approaching her In their ghostbusters costumes.

"Hi, Max." Dustin said "I'm Dustin, and this is--"

"Lucas." Lucas cut his friend off as the redhead looked uninterested at them both. "Yeah,I know." Max said "The stalkers."

"Uh, no. Actually..." Lucas started before Dustin took over. "We were just watching you"

"What?" Max asked questioning if the boy was stupid. Dustin tried to salvage the conversation. "I mean, we were just concerned because, you know, you're new and all."

"Yeah, for your safety." Lucas chimed in as Max just looked at them both until her eyes caught Mavericks.

Maverick saw Max had caught him and quickly averted his gaze moving to his next class

Max looked down sad the boy had not approached her. She could understand why though as she too had been doing the same.

"-There are a lot of bullies here." Dustin continued rambling

"So many bullies, it's crazy."


"Is that why you're wearing proton packs?" Max asked now in an even worse mood than before

"Well, these don't function. But..." Dustin began as he grabbed something else from his suit. "I do have this handy-dandy little trap here. And look, it even opens and closes."

Max rolled her eyes as Dustin started opening and closing his trap proudly. "Look, look, look..."

The trap then opened as Dustin and Lucas smiled. "Voilà." Dustin chuckled as Max wanted to kill herself at that moment.

"It's cool, right?" Dustin asked as he noticed the redhead opposite of him looking unimpressed. "No? Okay. But, um... So, we were talking last night, and you are new here, so you probably don't have any friends.-"

"- to take trick-or-treating, and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us." Dustin explained

"'It'd be okay'?" Max asked dumbfounded as Dustin continued. "Yeah. Our party's a democracy, the majority voted you could come." Dustin explained as Lucas sighed.

"Didn't realize that it was such an honor to go trick-or-treating with you." Max told him with a bit of disgust in her voice as Dustin nodded. "We know where to get the full-sized candy bars." he innocently informed the girl. "We figured you'd want in."

"That's presumptuous of you." Max replied as Lucas and Dustin were starstruck for a moment. 'This might actually work' they thought.

"Yeah. Totally. Uh, so, um... you'll come?"

"Is maverick coming?" She asked hoping to get a chance to talk to the boy

"We asked him and he said and I quote 'it's not really my cup of tea'-" Lucas said mimicking his British accent

Max stared at the boy absolutely baffled what had just come out of his mouth

"He said he'll be around" cutting off Lucas before he ruined there chances

Max closed her locker with a sigh and a nodded her head walking down the hallway.

As she turned away Lucas slapped Dustin in the back of the head

"What the actual fuck was that?! You know Maverick doesn't do trick or treating!" He yelled genuinely frustrated

Maverick had explained to them all his history with the social event and how he wanted no part in it and Lucas especially respected his opinion

"I'm sorry but I just said that to make her come with us! You don't actually have to go" he told the darkskined boy

"Bros come first dipshit." Lucas said shaking his head and walking away

The rest of the day went as smooth as it could. Maverick plastered a smile on his face waving at everyone and joining in on conversation

He didn't sit with the party at lunch instead he sat with his popular friends. Max had planned to talk to Maverick but the popular girls eyed her suspiciously watching her every move

It was now the end of the day and the popular pretty girls came up to Maverick as he was getting his bike out from its chain

"Hey Maverick" the leader of the girls came up to him smiling and giggling

"Um hey Josephine you alright?" He asked not really interested in making conversation but he didn't want to be rude either

"Yeah I was just asking if you wanted to come trick or treating with me there's this party and-"

Maverick cut her off before she began to waffle and ramble on. In his opinion she sounded like chalk on a blackboard. There was only one person who he didn't mind to head ramble on but she refused to talk to him.

"I'm sorry but I can't tonight plus im not really the Halloween type of guy. See  you ladies" he heard the girls giggling as he left and he just shook his head and went to meet up with the party

Little did he know a certain redhead was watching him from afar.

The group were all riding there bikes along the road

"Today was the worst, everyone dressed up lasted year!"

"it's a conspiracy I'm telling you" Lucas added

Mike was about to talk when he heard a loud engine. At first, it sounded like a Mustang, so he turned around and saw a blue Camaro speeding towards them.

Dustin and Lucas heard Mike calling their name and quickly swerved out of the way calling for Maverick to do the same

However the boy had his headphones on and wasn't aware of  what was going on until he heard the parties faint yell of his name

"Oh shit!" He yelled swerving his bike away from the road

Maverick didnt reach the boys fast enough with his back wheel slammed into the car

The three boys saw his bike hit a tree and his body fell to the ground

"HOLY SHIT! Was that...?"

"Mad Max." Lucas said quietly

"Hey Mav! Are you okay?" Mike asked worried but the boy was unable to respond as he curled up in a ball out of breath

"In..hale..r" he managed to get out

Dustin ran to his bag and grabbed his inhaler he threw it to Mike and Mike handed it mavericks

After he calmed down he tried to get up but instantly feel back down again groaning

"I think I twisted it" he said sighing at his bad luck

"Lemme call my mum she can come pick us up" Mike said to the group

Maverick tried to protest not wanting to bother the woman but the others ignored him and  agreed
it was safer

"Never listen to music on the road. Noted"

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