-ii. jenga

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"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR problem is, he's just a guy." adeline said, as her and flash argued on the way to her locker.

"he's not just a guy. that's peter parker. he's a weirdo."

"have you even talked to him flash?" adeline asked.

"no, but i don't need to in order for me to know he's a loser."

"you're so insecure. i can have male friends, i can be friends with peter parker." adeline said taking her books out.

"but why him?"

"but why are we arguing over this. it's stupid, you're stupid." adeline said, getting angry as she turned to her boyfriend.

"i'm just trying to protect you. stay away from guys like parker."

"smart guys, cause you know you'll never reach that level. man all he needs is the athleticism and he can take your spot."

flash scoffed, "he needs the looks too, and to stop being a nerd."

"he's not a nerd, and he for sure has the look's already." adeline laughed, walking into her first period leaving flash in the hallway.


adeline sat it class barely paying attention. flash and her haven't argued in months, and it was throwing her off.

flash and adeline had been dating since they were 15, in sophomore year.

people always acted like if they broke up the entire world would burn, as if they were the. glue to everything.

she just felt like something was off with their relationship, maybe it was her, or him, probably her.

"something on your mind?" a voice said, from next to adeline.

she turned diagonally, meeting the face of peter parker who was resting his chin on his arms.

"relationship problems. y'know?" adeline said.

"i actually don't know, i've never been in a relationship before." peter said.

"oh...i'm sorry. i didn't mean to offend you or anything." adeline said.

"no offense taken."

they both looked at each other, unsure what to say next.

"so uh, what's your relationship problem thing about. i'm pretty good with advice." peter said.

peter was in fact, not good with advice.

"just, flash and i got in an argument today. we usually don't argue, and it was something stupid." adeline said quietly, not wanting anyone to hear.

"what was it about?" peter asked. "actually it was about you." adeline said.


"yup. flash wasn't fond that i keep saying hi to you in the hallway, and if he looked back right now he would probably throw a tantrum. he's extremely childish.

"why are you still with him if he's so childish." peter asked.

"i dunno. maybe because everyone sees us as the perfect couple. or that he's like my safe space, like i'm so used to him, he's normal in my life and if he was gone i feel like everything would just crumble."

"you know when you play jenga, and you pull the wrong block at the bottom and the entire thing falls? that's flash, the tower is my life, he's gone and everything crumbles."

adeline sighed, rubbing her forehead in stress. this was really taking a toll on you.

"but sometimes, it's not the wrong block. and the tower is stable. sometimes it the right one to take out, and then you win. or you continue building the tower and new blocks come, and now you even have a better chance of winning, or in this case having a good life." peter said.

"so are you saying...i need to let flash out my life?" adeline said, a bit worried.

"i'm not exactly saying that. if this was your first fight in a while maybe wait to see if it continues. i don't know i've never had a girlfriend."

"and even if i did i wouldn't get mad at her for having male friends, i would let her have her freedom." peter said.

"wait..are we friends. s-shoot, i'm sorry if i made this awkward, i'm gonna-"

"it's okay peter parker, you didn't make it awkward."

"why do you call me by my full name all the time?" peter asked.

"why not? that's what i do with my friends peter parker." adeline teased, turning back to the chalkboard.

"we're friends." peter smiled, shoving his head into his arms.

𝐂𝐀𝐑'𝐒 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 ,, peter parker (tasm)Where stories live. Discover now