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"It's really cold in here" jess says through shivering

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"It's really cold in here" jess says through shivering

It probably didn't help the fact the door was wide open.

"Oh shit I love this song" Kylie laughs dragging Jess back to the dance floor

As much as they have tried dragging me to the dance floor I also can't be bothered to dance.

I get up and start walking up the stairs where you have a balcony overlook.

It's kind of wired because you can look inside over the balcony or the outside garden overlook.

I place my hands on the railings just watching everything.

Sometimes I feel like a fucking freak.

I mean others would find walking around and just watching boring.

I find it peaceful and interesting.

Just watching from an outsider perspective.

Other cold breeze hits me sending chills down my whole body.

Witch also doesn't help with a small bladder.

I slowly make my way to a bathroom locking the door behind me before doing my business.

I brush myself off washing my hands before walking back out.

I can't even take two steps because if I do I'll crash into a person.

"That's where you disappeared to"

I look up and make eye contact with Vincent.

"I have a small bladder"

"Small bladder but can last practically the whole day without going to the bathroom"

"That's not the point"

He just chuckles.

"Vincent?" I say more like a question then anything


I wanna talk or anything but nothing comes out.

To be honest I don't know what I want to ask in the first place.

He lifts my chin up making me look at him before his thumb strokes my cheek.

It's at times like these just looking in his eyes I forget where I am.

It's almost like it's a whole empty place and it's just us.

"What are you to up to?" A voice echos making Vincent turn

I can see Izzy and Lucas stood there almost smug like they just interrupted something.

"Well clearly nothing now" Vincent chuckled

"Well heads up mum and dad are looking for both of you, something about photos" Lucas says

"Got it"

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