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S3 EP20 - LO-FI

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S3 EP20 - LO-FI

As the days became warmer and the frost-covered nights melted, thick layers of clothing and comfort disappeared with the snow and ice; schools prepared to bring their year to an end and close for the summer weeks ahead. The streets were overrun with tourists and locals making their way through the overcrowded city and with the rise in temperatures, foot traffic, and visitors, crime rates were at an all-time high.

With a spike in every crime, the undermanned and underfunded New York City Police Department was battling an endless storm. The last thing they needed to worry about was a serial killer roaming the streets, shooting the first person to stray from the growing crowds, but that's precisely what they found themselves tackling, a remorseless killer and a city on the brink of untameable panic, so when the third body hit the cracked sidewalk, the NYPD had no choice but to call in the FBI.

Amongst the small army of agents searching for the killer and working overtime to get a lead that could break the case, was the well-respected and highly sought-after Supervisory Special Agent Aurora Taylor, one of the bureau's finest, her arrest rates unmatched by her peers and her skills renowned for getting the job done quickly and the need for help and while no one could deny that she was a good agent, those that had never met her had heard of her... and her rather complex reputation.

Those who encountered her believed her to be high maintenance, wildly inappropriate, and lacking respect for her superiors and the justice system she was meant to stand by and honor but spent most of her time talking shit about and her habit of entering the gray area when it came to the rules was off-putting to many.

Despite her bad reputation, no one could deny she was one of the best, even if her current actions made her appear the opposite.

In the middle of the biggest murder investigations that New York had seen in months, maybe even years, Aurora had dragged her boss and friend, Kate Joyner, out of the federal building and across the overpopulated city until they entered a building filled with gossip and strong scented polish in a variety of colors.

Despite her numerous protests and attempts to leave, Kate was forced into a chair where a stranger with rainbow hair and rather long eyelashes proceeded to clean, prime, and paint her beaten and chewed nails in neutral shades of polish that were within bureau regulations, "Now they have life in them, dull and boring life, but life nonetheless," Aurora had stated, flashing her shining emerald nails at the Brit.

While Kate wasn't opposed to the time she got to escape the stuffy building filled with politics, bloody crime scene photos, and men with bruised egos, she could think of numerous ways to better spend her time, leads needed to be pursued, witnesses were to be spoken to again. Potential suspects needed to be questioned, but instead, she was being pampered and dragged around the city by a rather pushy Aurora who insisted they both change their clothes and get fresh caffeinated beverages before they considered returning to work.

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