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Trigger warning: panic attack, self-harm

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Trigger warning: panic attack, self-harm.


Morgan had felt fear in his life, but nothing compared to the fear he felt sitting in the passenger seat while Aurora sped their car through the crowded streets of New York, weaving the car through the ocean of cars slowing their journey. He suddenly began to understand why the rest of the BAU fought to ride in a different car to him, his stomach was churning as the car moved from side to side and sharply turned corners.

The profilers had just finished briefing Homeland Security on the terror threat and helping them prepare a plan of action when the report came over the radio and phones began singing like a choir in unison. A bomb had been detonated a few blocks away from Federal Plaza where the rest of the team were meant to be.

While Morgan feared for his life, he also feared for the lives of his teammates, any of them could have been caught up in the bombing and they wouldn't know until they arrived, the news stations had very little information and were yet to report anything new over the radio only worrying him further. 

Aurora however didn't allow herself to worry, instead, she kept her foot pressed down on the gas and her eyes pinned to the road ahead of her. "Hey, I know we need to get there but I'd rather not die en route!" Morgan barked at the woman after they came close to hitting another car that hadn't stopped when the SUV with unmissable sirens and glaring lights came flying through an intersection. His panic was ignored, and she turned onto another street, this one slightly quieter than the last, Morgan pulled his phone from his pocket when it began ringing and let out a sigh of relief when he saw the caller, "Hey, I'm still here!" Morgan told his closest friend, "Barely!" He added as they bounded around another corner, "As long as we don't crash we're almost back at the Federal Building, what the hell is going on?"

"Alright, we're going over the closed circuit right now," Garcia revealed,

"Who else have you checked on?" Aurora asked, her voice calm and collected. 

"You're the first, Rossi and Reid called me," Garcia answered,

"Okay, keep us on the line while you check on everyone else," Morgan told the blonde who began calling the rest of the team, starting with Prentiss who answered almost instantly, her voice filled with panic and distant sirens were echoing in the background.

"Is everyone okay?" Prentiss asked immediately,

Garcia answered quickly while her fingers darted across the keyboard she was using to gain access to surveillance footage while simultaneously calling each of her unaccounted-for teammates, "I've spoken to Rossi and Reid and Morgan's on the line with Agent Taylor."

Morgan tightened his grip on the handle above his head as the car sped up, the pair now finally on a street with very few vehicles and more space to drive faster, "I'm following Detective Brustin to one of the NYPD's critical incident command posts," Emily explained.

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