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In the days following the attempted bombing on the hospital, the city of New York had somehow managed to make a quick recovery, people no longer ran in the opposite direction when they saw a dark hoodie, they didn't check their cars for explosives, they didn't fear public spaces, everyone had moved on quickly. The news agencies returned to celebrity scandals for viewership, the local police had relaxed slightly and had received the credit for stopping the bombing and despite the death of its leader, the federal building continued running as smoothly as it had before Kate's death.

Aurora hadn't given herself the chance to try and move on, she hadn't allowed herself to grieve she didn't grieve for anybody, it's how she dealt with her emotions, she ignored them. Killing one of the men responsible had given her a sense of justice for Kate's death but it wouldn't be enough, there were six killers still out there and a terror cell that couldn't be identified, and while the terrorism task force claimed "to be giving it their full attention," Aurora knew better, in a week another group would gain their attention and Kate's killers would go on to plan more attacks and assassination attempts against whoever they were trying to kill in the first place.

She was kept busy in the days following the explosion, she had taken it upon herself to close all Kate's active files, handing them off to other agents or finishing up the reports, she knew Kate hated leaving her work half finished. Aurora had been asked by the Brits' family if she'd pack up the woman's office and apartment so they didn't have to sort through her things, she had accepted their request, despite her mind's objections, she knew what Kate would want her family to have and what she would rather them never see, she had boxed up the majority of the woman's office when a knock came from the closed door.

Aurora looked away from the picture of her and Kate she held in her hand, on the other side of the door stood Hotch, he had remained in New York for a few days at his doctor's insistence so more tests could be run before he returned to Washington with the rest of his team, "Come in," She called, dropping the photo frame she had been holding into the box in front of her, she pushed her dark locks out of her line of sight, "You look like crap,"

"Thanks?" Hotch said carefully, his brows knitting together causing wrinkles to form along his forehead, silence encased the two for a moment before he decided to speak, "How are you doing?" He questioned,

"I'm fine," Aurora answered, his dark eyes watched her carefully, searching for emotion but he couldn't find any, she held herself together well, she was virtually unreadable, void of any emotions, "I have developed an even deeper hatred of politics after having to deal with everything Kate left unfinished. I believe three local politicians, two SWAT officers, and a bomb squad captain have all filed complaints against me for misconduct in the last two days," Aurora reached across the desk and plucked a file from the tall pile, "Here," She held it out to the male who took it, confusion crossing his features, "It's the case report, I figured that last thing you wanted to do after getting blown up was report everything that happened, all you have to do is sign your name and pretend you wrote it."

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