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S3 EP20 - LO-FI

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S3 EP20 - LO-FI

While the firing squad wasn't waiting for Aurora and Kate to return, a dozen agents and two particularly angry detectives were. 

It had taken less than a minute for Kate's blood pressure to rise and her muscles to become tense once again, a small army of agents had questions and statements regarding the case, a dozen phone calls from politicians and investigators needed returning, hours of surveillance footage needed reviewing and two rather pissed of detectives needed to be listened to and dealt with appropriately.

To lighten the load on Kate's shoulders, Aurora dealt with the agents, taking in all the information they had and sending them off on a list of new assignments, many of them taking to the streets to help the police patrols get more eyes on the ground while Kate began returning phone calls and dealing with the political side of a murder investigation. The brunette dealt with the angry detectives by ignoring them, leaving them to their snide remarks and cold stares while she spoke with someone much more helpful.

Kate dropped her phone down onto her desk, her final phone call coming to an end, she rubbed her tired eyes, attempting to sharpen their focus. Her ocean eyes drifted across the empty room, searching for something to focus on before they found her assistant trying to gain her attention, a simple point of her finger redirected Kate's attention to the opening elevator doors where the profiling experts were all crammed into the small space. 

A breath of relief escaped her, their assistance would help the case greatly and bring hope to the agents and officers with doubts they would catch the serial killer before more innocents lost their lives.

Her old friend, Aaron Hotchner, unit chief of the BAU stepped out first, his team following closely behind, each of them assessing their surroundings, analyzing the few agents that remained in the office. Kate quickly rose from her desk and exited her office, moving towards the team who watched her carefully, assessing her silently and not very discreetly but she didn't care, instead, she focused her attention on Hotch, her hand extending out to him once they stopped in the middle of the room, he shook her hand and sent her a soft smile, silently reassuring her he would help her keep her job, "Aaron," She said warmly, "How have you been?"

"Well, thank you," He replied with a softness that surprised his team, "This is my team," he stepped to the side, giving the woman a full view of his team, he gestured to each member as he revealed their names to her, "This is David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan, and Dr. Spencer Reid,"

"Thanks for being here," Kate told them with a smile, "Anything you need, just tell me, please do not stand on protocol,"

Penelope Garcia, the team's tech analyst stood out amongst her peers, her bright and colorful clothing contrasting the darkness of her job, "What can you tell us about the city's surveillance system?" She questioned, her voice soft.

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