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S4 EP3 - Minimal Loss

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S4 EP3 - Minimal Loss

The tires swept up small clouds of sand as the SUV came to a stop outside of the command center the hostage negotiation team had set up in the hours following the state police setting a dangerous course of events into play; the temporary building based on the outskirts of the ranch was surrounded by dark blacked out vehicles, armed men talking lowly with one another while preparing for what's to come and a thick layer of unease and worry for the federal agents inside.

Now small enough to ride in one car without feeling cramped, what remains of the BAU emerged from the blacked-out vehicle, JJ and Morgan heading straight into the building to gather those that they would be working with to bring their friends home safely. Hotch and Rossi stopped outside, the unit chief looking to his elder, both of them attempting to hide their fear, "Dave, they've left the choice of negotiator up to me," He revealed,

"I taught most of the hostage negotiation unit, do you want a recommendation?" Rossi asked,

"I'm making you the lead negotiator," Hotch revealed, taking the author by surprise, "Why go to the students when I have the teacher?"

"Because the teacher is emotionally involved," Rossi argued, "So is the agent in command,"

Hotch shook his head, his mind leading him down multiple different paths of how the situation could turn out, "I know I am, this is a unique situation," Hotch explained quickly, "We have three agents who could affect the outcome on the inside,"

Rossi's distress surrounding the agents in the building was something he couldn't hide from his voice as he spoke, not that he was trying as he spoke with someone equally as worried, "True, but I can't be objective, I know them too well."

"This outcome depends as much on our ability to predict the moves of Prentiss, Reid, and Aurora as Cyrus, that is why you're the best man for the job," Hotch persisted, 

Rossi shook his head, he knew what he had to do, but one troubling thought continued plaguing his mind, "Alright, but there's another problem. We might know Prentiss and Reid better than ourselves, but none of us know Aurora well enough to be able to predict her moves in there or what state of mind she could be in, she's completely unpredictable on a good day. If we don't figure out what moves she'd make correctly, things could go sideways and that's if she doesn't get herself killed by making the wrong inappropriately timed comment,"

"Aurora has read the handbook on how to deal with these kinds of situations and as for her state of mind, she'll be the calmest one in there, she was trained to be," Hotch said simply, familiar with the training undercover agents went through, "And I think she's smart enough to realize making her usual comments at this moment isn't a good idea,"

A raised voice brought the conversation to an abrupt end and the men's attention was pulled away from one another and towards a well-dressed man storming out of the temporary building, a second man, dressed in more appropriate clothing for the situation, following behind him, "You're obviously not in charge, I can see that!" The man dressed in a suit said forcefully, stopping in his tracks and turning back to the younger man.

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