Chapter 39. Unexpected visitor

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Caleb POV
I woke up it was 2 in the afternoon. Aria still sleeping on my chest snoring softly. I smiled to myself thinking about how lucky I was to have such a beautiful, kind hearted girl like her in my life.

I brushed my fingers through her hair a soft moan escaping her lips as she slept. Our appointment to the doctors was next week to see if she was really pregnant.

I know she is especially now after what we did yesterday she was most definitely going to be pregnant.

I was going to be a dad and I was going to make sure that I would be a way better dad than my own father I would be nothing like him.

I knew Aria would be the best mother to our children. I was so happy and grateful to have her she just didn't know I had something planned that would make her officially all mine.

But I first wanted to get things done with her parents to get it over with so she doesn't have to worry about them anymore. I want to make her happy and feel safe from now as long as she is with me I will make sure all she feels is happiness and joy.

We were going to have to have a serious talk about her parents. Even tho I know she doesn't want to talk about them or think about them I'm going to have to bring it up.

She has me now she won't have to worry about getting hurt or going through nightmares alone I will be there to help her.

I heard someone knocking on the door pulling me from my thoughts. I wasn't expecting anyone so I don't know who it could have been. It can't be Aaron because he went out of town for a few days.

Another knock was heard again this one a little louder than the first one. I gently lifted Aria up a little so I could lay her on the bed without waking her up. She moved around a little a few whimpers being heard but she stayed asleep.

I got up hearing another knock on the door. I walked down the stairs to the front door opening the door to see who it was. It was a man with a black duffle bag wearing all black hiding his face with a hat and hoodie looking down at the floor.

"Can I help you?" I asked him. "Are you Caleb Blackwood?" He asked his voice cracking as he spoke. "Yes is there something you need?" I asked him.

Slightly getting annoyed but curious as to what this man was doing in front of my house and how he knew my name.

"Can I come in it's really cold." It was freezing and I was only wearing my sweat pants with no shirt. "Come in." I told him letting him in. He followed me down to the kitchen sitting down at the kitchen island.

I noticed how he avoided looking up to reveal his face. I was beginning to have second thoughts about letting him in my house. He was really sketchy and weird.

He stayed silent for awhile just drinking the water I gave him but not speaking or looking up so I could see who he was. 

I was getting inpatient and annoyed with him at this point. "If there's nothing you need I'm gonna need you to leave." I told him harshly.

He looked up revealing his face. He looked awfully familiar I just couldn't think of who he looked like because I was starting to get angry with him. "I think we have a lot to talk about son." He said his voice now amusing and clear.

I stilled for a moment taking in what he said. "What did you just say!" I yelled angrily. "You heard me Caleb." He said amusingly calm. "Get out of my house you are not welcome anywhere near me or in my home." I explained angrily.

Aria POV
I woke up hearing yelling coming from downstairs. I carefully stood up on my legs grabbing Caleb's shirt that was laying on the floor to put on quickly so I could see what was going on.

I made my way down the stairs hearing the voices  coming from the kitchen. "D-daddy." I called out for him but got no response just more yelling.

I walked into the kitchen noticing a man wearing all black with a hat and his hoodie on hiding his face from my view.

Caleb was arguing with this guy he looked furious like he was going to kill him. The guy didn't seem phased by Caleb's reaction instead he looked like he was expecting that reaction from him.

The yelling was becoming too much for me to hear and I didn't like the way this man was making Caleb so angry. The man turned around and looked at me with a creepy smile on his face making me uncomfortable.

I walked towards Caleb hiding behind him so he wouldn't be able to look at me. "So this is your little princess that your mother was telling me about." I heard the man say. My eyes widen at the mention of Caleb's mother.

I wrapped my arms around Caleb's stomach laying my head on his back. "Don't talk about her or look at her you piece of shit. She has nothing to do with this." Caleb yelled his voice booming, vibrating throughout his body.

"Why are you here Alex?" He asked him. The man just smiled amusingly. He picked up the duffle bag that was on the floor placing it on the kitchen counter. He unzipped it revealing a large amount of money inside.

"I stole your money from you which I think you already know judging by the way your looking at me. I have a proposition for you." He said standing up walking towards us.

"And whats that?" Caleb pulled me closer to him protectively. "Well I'm your father aren't I Caleb I could ask you for anything right?" He said tauntingly.

"No not you because I have no father he died the day he walked out on me. So no you can't ask for anything I don't owe you anything." Caleb retorted back. "That's funny Caleb. But I think you do owe me after you killed your mother." He laughed amusingly.

"She deserved it and so do you and I can promise you I will end up killing you too like I did her with no regrets." Caleb's voice was dark and menacing.

"You can take back all your money I just want her." He pointed towards me. I started crying tears welling up in my eyes scared.

"You can keep the money you bastard I would never give her to you." Caleb told him picking me up to hold me.

"Get the fuck out of my house if you want to stay alive you coward." He just smiled and waved at me smiling even creepier at me.

"She has a stuttering problem but she's a screamer in bed." He slyly replied. My brain went into panic mode when he said that.

"Go upstairs and lock the bedroom and make sure the windows are locked. Don't open the doors or come out unless it's me." Caleb whispered into my ear so Alex wouldn't hear.

He set me down on the floor I ran upstairs into our bedroom doing exactly what Caleb instructed me to do. I hid inside our closet in a corner with Mr Tinkles and holding onto Caleb's favorite shirt that smelled the most like him.

I flinched when I heard three loud bangs like fireworks coming from downstairs but sounded throughout the entire house. My heart was racing scared something might have happened to Caleb.

I didn't know what to do I wanted to go downstairs and check it was way too quiet all of sudden. I was starting to hyperventilate panicking silently in the corner I was in.

I hugged Mr Tinkles tighter against me counting to 100 inside my head to calm myself down a little.

I could hear someone knock on our bedroom door but I didn't know if it was Caleb or that man. I was about to go open it thinking it was Caleb.

Then I heard someone shoot again I quickly ran back into my corner crying as quietly as I could when it went silent again. "Please don't hurt daddy." I said in my head praying nothing happened to him.

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