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Oh, what's this? I don't believe we've met. I am, er... well, you can simply call me the narrator. No, I won't be poking my nose into this story—not too much, anyway. I will merely guide you from the beginning, and perhaps check up on you near the end. Just to make sure your mind hasn't collapsed by that point.

No, not because of the length, although I suppose it is quite long. But there are many things happening here, many powers at work beyond the comprehension of mortal beings without the capacity for—

Silly me. I'm rambling.

This was supposed to be an introduction, wasn't it? Terribly sorry. I'll start over, if that helps. Settle in, now, settle in. We've got a bit of a trek ahead of us.

36. P̶ O̶ W̶ E̶ R̶ :̶ D̶r̶e̶a̶m̶s̶    |    BlacksdaleWhere stories live. Discover now