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A horrible scream rang out.

Lights flickered on in homes all throughout the neighbourhood as alarmed residents were awakened by the sound. Many hurried to grab whatever they could use to protect themselves while others simply peeked out their windows, searching for the source of the shriek.

In one home, the lights remained off, and not a soul moved or even breathed—for seated upon her bed, drenched in sweat and frozen in a state of shock, was the culprit herself.

Cameron Walden took in a gasping breath as her momentary freezing spell wore off and began to pant heavily, as if she'd just run several laps around the suburbs in which she lived. Her eyes were wide and her hands clutched her face; she shivered as if the temperature was well below freezing, shaken by the jarring night terror she'd just awoken from.

Vague memories of the dream flitted through her mind like moths, slipping through the cracks  as she tried to recall what had frightened her so much. There were sounds... shadows... a lingering smell, acrid and stomach-churning.

Cameron lowered her hands shakily, still trembling from the aftershock. Then she began grabbing at the space on the bed next to her, feeling it frantically. "Zech?" she cried, looking around as wild fear suddenly stabbed at her heart. "Liam?"

When no response came, Cameron quickly got out of bed and hurried toward the bedroom door. "Zech! Liam!" she yelled, heart thudding wildly in her chest as she reached for the doorknob and—

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Cameron lowered her hands shakily, still trembling from the aftershock. She closed her eyes and began breathing deeply, trying to steady her heartbeat. Slowly but surely, it quieted down, allowing her to hear the silence of her room.

The redheaded woman sighed, wiping her face with both hands and groaning. "What time is it?" she mumbled to herself, looking over at her clock.

The digital clock's display glowed cyan, flashing the numbers "03:00" at Cameron.

"Ugh." Cameron flopped back down onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. Two more hours of sleep, she thought, letting her heavy eyelids close. Then my session with Mrs. Winkler, and then... I find out where I'm headed next.

—The ticking of the clock's hands grew thunderous—

Cameron turned sharply, staring at the clock.

The digital clock's display glowed cyan, flashing the numbers "03:01" at Cameron.

Cameron frowned, then covered her face with a pillow. "I must be losing my mind..."


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