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XRCST-2 soared over the city with her fellow XRCSTs following in a v-formation, hidden from sight by the dark of the cloudy, moonless night. "Keep your scanners peeled, everyone," she ordered, her gaze sweeping over the glittering lights of the buildings below. "Remember, we're looking for someone that can bust 'em. If they're still working, we haven't found our target yet."

"I've got a spike coming from that suburb over there," XRCST-5 reported, pointing in the aforementioned direction. "Could that be it?"

"Focus all scanners on it," XRCST-2 commanded.

The XRCSTs obliged.

Then all of them let out startled cries as their helmets' equipment went haywire, so much so that a few of them removed the helmets and began to rub their eyes furiously.

XRCST-2 exhaled, keeping her busted scanners fixed on the house in the distance. "That's it," she said to the others, grinning beneath her mask. "That's our target."


Cameron couldn't sleep—and for a good number of reasons.

One: the animals.

It hadn't gotten that much easier being around the citizens of Blacksdale, even though many of them weren't exactly "animals" in the first place. Still, they set Cameron's zoophobia off regardless, and she was constantly unnerved by the fact that she'd be trapped in the city with them for the foreseeable future.

Two: the worry.

Though she could clearly remember Vice Principal Zechariah—or whoever he really was—telling her not to busy herself with thoughts of the city's current condition, she couldn't help but wonder about everything that was happening. The disappearances, the mysterious fox, the "Odds" people whispered about on the streets... it was all so overwhelming.

Three: the shame.

Cameron had been informed of Jack's denial concerning Mallory's encouragement of violence during their sessions, and was now feeling both ashamed and betrayed. She'd thought that she'd connected with the student, but apparently, that was not the case. He clearly favoured Mallory, as far as she could tell, despite the latter's... unusual disposition. Even though Cameron had been allowed to finish out the rest of the sessions, she couldn't shake the hot flashes of anger and disgrace that Mallory's manipulation had brought upon her.

And four: Mallory herself.

Cameron couldn't stop thinking about her fellow counselor, who was obviously not what she appeared to be. The sweet, innocent façade had faded, and now Cameron knew that she was nothing more than a narcissistic control freak with an intense hatred for anyone who she saw as a threat to her position or possessions.

And that smile...

Cameron shivered involuntarily and squeezed her eyes shut, a chill sweeping over her body despite the fact that she was wearing two blankets. She doubted she would fall asleep now, especially after hearing that noise from downstairs and—

Cameron's eyes snapped open.

The sound had been faint—so faint that she wasn't sure she'd actually heard it. However, she decided not to take any chances and slowly rose from her bed. "H—Hello?" she called softly, inching toward her bedroom door. "Is someone out there?"


XRCST-2 paused midway through the living room. "S**t," she growled. "She heard us."

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