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You talk about me.. like you know my pain.

You talk about me,
without even having to say my name.

Pointing your finger, saying she and her, you talk about me as if I'm less of a human being.

You talk about me, like you've seen my smoothed edges rough.

You explode with hurtful words like a volcano waiting to erupt.

You belittle me.

Like the seed in the dirt just waiting to sprout but the sun refusing to shine, leaving the top of that soil as dry as your mouth, after you've spoken on my name for days...

Letting all these negative things rain.

Who do you think you are to judge me?

To speak on my life as if you know me personally.

As if...

You know the things that lie behind the face that I display, as if I'm apart of an artistic showcase, and you and your friends are there to rate my quality.

Pick at my dignity.

Break my glass, and steal me, slamming me down and watching me crumble to nothing.

That's what it's like whenever you open your mouth to speak on me.

Crushing another person just to save that little light inside of you that makes you feel brighter than everyone else in the room.

You talk about me.

Don't look around when I finally decide to speak, confronting you and all the hurt you've brought me.

Saying I can't be talking to you, when all you've done is talk about me.

Degrade me.

Humiliate me.

Hate... me.

Don't act surprised when I become fed up.

You've made this image of me in your head, so my sudden outburst must have caught you off guard... oh, excuse me for not continuing to silence my angered feelings.

At least that's what happens in my mind...
I go all crazy and yell, shouting back all the flaws you posses and the things you lack.

But on the outside,

I'm as quiet as a mouse.

A helping hand when you need.

A smiling face and assuring company when all your friends turn and leave...

You talk about me?

Is it crazy that every time you do these things.. you're almost automatically put on my list of forgiving.

I will never be to you what you have been to me...

Unkind and petty.

Instead... I treat you as I wish you'd done for me.

And honestly... if you're hurt that bad...

If your mind is so corrupt and stuck on what is and how things should be...

Then continue talking about me.

Because, I'll never change for you to see fit in my identity.

Because then,

I wouldn't be as worthy enough to be spoken on and judged.

Just like a million dollar painting hanging on the wall, or a chandelier from the ceiling, even a fine dinner made for expensive dining...

Because of who I am, and the things I do that you can't seem to stand..

I'll always be the topic at hand, and at the end, the top pick that others will applaud.

Set your mind free and you just might stand a chance.

Carry on conversing.

- Donna

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