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"She's proof that you can go through hell and still be an angel."


While getting ready, I had rushed to the bathroom twice to vomit. Both times I had secretly sneaked away and returned to Tyler hoping to not look suspicious. I wasn't ready for Tyler to know about my pregnancy. Or rather, I wasn't ready to admit it to myself.

I don't fear how Tyler would react, he's an understanding guy, but rather how this would effect my life if I were to say it aloud. Hey, Gia, I know you tried to leave your past behind but... Surprise! You're pregnant with Micheal's kid.

I knew I had to tell Tyler soon. Before the secret begins to surface in everything I do.

A few minutes had passed since we entered the building. The first thing that caught my eye in this nearly empty room was a white backdrop meant for the photos. The only light being the bright ones that faced the backdrop, illuminating it like a spotlight.

I stood patiently by Tyler. Me being awkward and uneasy. Tyler being confident and comfortable. At Least he appeared that way, but I was proved to be mistaken when he reached for my hand. Noticeably, he was attempting to comfort himself with the action. I was his crutch when it came to anxiety.

A women with a bouncy, blonde blowout and a fitted black dress approached Tyler, her heels clinking on the floor. The clipboard she clutched in one hand was brought down to her side. She smiled at Tyler without showing teeth.

"Hello, Mr. Cruz." Her was voice clearly practiced. Made by her to seem brighter and flirtatious. "My name is Evangeline. I'll be assisting you today." Tyler shook hands with her.

I couldn't help but notice the certain way she looked at him. A look I was too familiar with. A look that I had to shove away because I tended to overthink things and then overreact.

She failed to greet me and continued talking to Tyler, informing him about the brand and the celebration after. I wasn't really listening. 

"Gorgeous?" I awakened from my thoughts when I heard Tyler's voice.


"You can stay here during the shoot, or if you want there's a bar and a mini buffet over there." He suggested. I nodded my head silently but didn't move.

Evangeline walked closely beside Tyler, ignoring personal space. She talked on and on, smiling as if there was some sort of mutual thing between them. There wasn't. She was fucking delusional. Oblivious.

I watched as Evangeline's acrylics groped Tyler's arm gently and noticed Tyler's body stiffen uncomfortably. Yet, he was silent as she continued attempting to start conversation.

Time passed by slowly. I watched the photographer direct Tyler to different poses and expressions.

Tyler had worn an Armani black suit. At home, when I noticed half of his closet was designer, I realized there was much of getting used to Tyler's lifestyle.

It was evident that he wasn't one to show the amount he earned. He would much rather wear sweats and t-shirts everywhere, but made an exception for today as he was informed to dress professionally.

His hair was even slicked back, which he had told me was something he detested. His hair was always messy with loose curls. I liked it that way much better and so did he.

I wasn't going to tell him that the slicked hair and stubble made him look old. I'm joking, of course, but that made me wonder how old he actually was. He certainly looked much older than me.

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