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"What is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives?"


I stare in the mirror, admiring my outfit- the outfit that Tyler bought me to be clear.

Our shower was longer than expected and it was already late. The sun peeked through the window at a certain angle that made the room flood with golden light. Golden hour is always the best.

I continue staring at myself and how the short, silk dress looks on me. I find myself absolutely adoring it and how it hugs all my curves just right. Loving the sparkly jewelery that sits on my neck and pins my ears.

Tyler walks into the room and his outfit immediately catches my eye. He's wearing black baggy jeans, a plaid shirt opened to reveal a white tee, the gold chain hanging from his neck completes it all.

He gives me that look that makes my heart skip a beat. I turn my body to face him fully and give him a view of my outfit.

"I think I look hot." I say and he chuckles.

He steps behind me and looks into the mirrors reflection. "I think you look hot as well. No, wait, I know you look hot."

After gawking over each other's appearance and complimenting each other so much it made me sick, we finally decided to leave the house and make our way to this 'party'. Tyler goes outside to start the car while I put on my heels.

I wasn't expecting to turn back around and see Micheal in the kitchen.

The fuck? Did this bitch teleport?

I was surprised to see him leaning on the counter, a beer in hand. He stared at me and the outfit I was wearing. I felt disgusting under his gaze.

Although I didn't want to, I think it would be better if I told Micheal where I'm going. That way I wouldn't get myself into a fight later.

I approached him, my heels clacking on the hardwood floors. My eyes focused on the bottle of beer in his hand.

He's drunk. What did I get myself into?

I regretted coming up to him while he drinks, but I was already Infront of him so I couldn't just turn back. I took a deep breath before I spoke.

"I'm going to a party." I said, my voice quiet.

He said nothing, instead taking a sip of beer.

"I won't be back until really late, just so you know."

He didn't say anything yet again, instead replacing his answer with a drag of beer.

I was so stupid. So, so stupid to continue.

"I'm going with Tyler, okay?"

I saw him clench his jaw but not a word escaped his mouth.

"Say something, please." I pleaded for whatever to come out of his mouth.

The grip on his beer bottle tightened and his face contorted in anger. "What the fuck am I supposed to say, Gia?" He yelled.

Then I saw his hand lift up and throw the bottle onto the floor. The glass bottle breaking into a million pieces on the ground. I winced as the sound of glass shattering echoed in my ears. The excess beer puddled throughout the broken glass.

My eyes flit from the floor to Micheal's angry eyes, his expression putting me in fear. My heart launched out of my chest, startled by it all.

Micheal didn't say a word; the only thing escaping his lips were puffs of air. I didn't move, frozen in shock.

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