Spiderman? |Miles|

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This is fucking stupid why did I even wait

I sighed checking my phone one last time
I pushed myself off the brick wall and started walking back to the school

It's gonna get late this is the fifth time this month

Miles kept asking me on dates then either showing up late as fuck or not coming

God it's so stupid

But I always end up forgiving him even though he always is making up a dumb excuse
'A black cat crossed the path so I had to go the long way'
(kakashi??? Anyone?? No? Okay)
'I was helping a old lady cross the street'
Stupid shit like that

I felt the tears coming

He's probably cheating

It's always the surprising ones

I was about half way when my phone went off
I looked at the message
'Miles ⁉️'

I rolled my eyes and opened the message

'Where are you?'
I don't usually just leave I wait till he gets there..idk why

'I went back' it started fucking raining


I didn't even have a jacket
"Stupid shit why the fuck does-" I bumped into someone


I stepped back
"Ohhhh heyyy.." he said in a weird voice

I looked over

Now I'm sitting in the rain with Spider-Man

"I-I have something to uh tell you"
"Uh alright"
"We have to go in private though.."
He suddenly grabbed me by my waist and started swinging


Then we started falling

I closed my eyes and held on tighter instead of screaming

We stopped in at a room

"So.." he started

I looked around
Is this miles' dorm?

"I'm sorry I'm never on time y/n I really try" I looked over at him

Why is he saying all this

Then he started pulling his mask off
Ohhhhhh that makes more sense

He looked scared

"You could've told me earlier I thought you were just cheating on me"

I rolled my eyes and hugged him

"Yeah I'm sorry..I love you"
"I love you too"

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