My kind |42 miles|

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Miles pov

Y/n is my best friend

Of course I like them more than that but I don't know how they feels

I hate everyone else except them

They light up a room

They're the first I'd spot in a room with a million celebrities

Their smile brings me joy

I walked into my dorm ready to maybe turn on some music and study...or just take a nap

I looked over when I walked in because I heard a small shuffle

I look over and its y/n

"Whatchu doin in my bed?" I asked with a small smirk putting my backpack on my chair

"Takin my ass to bed...what else" they chuckled turning to me

"That's my spot" I said with a playful frown

"Our spot" they said laying their head back down

"Whateverrrr" I sighed diving in bed next to them

(Luh small one)

Across the spiderverse oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora