Beast boy |miles|

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I was laying in bed scrolling on my phone bored

I heard my window open

I didn't have to look up to know it was miles

"Mamas when I was out tonight I saw this cute baby reminded me of you- it kept backing away but I got it to like me...I think" miles started

I put my phone down and listened to his rambling

After a while he stopped

I didn't mind if he talked or not...but sometimes I'd rather silence

"You mind if I stay here?" He said with a toothy grin showing his dimples

"Nah...but I was just gonna get to bed" I mumbled as I started shifting around to find a spot I was comfortable in

"Guess imma sleep with you then" he said bouncing back onto my bed causing me to bounce

I stared at him a while before closing my eyes

"...y/n" miles whispered
"Hm?" I hummed not opening my eyes
"...can we cuddle" he asked shyly

I sighed a bit and nodded

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer

I got comfortable right there and started to fall back asleep

"......y/n" I heard miles whisper again
"Hm?" I hummed trying not to get irritated
"Imma bring you closer Alright?" He whispered

I nodded not really caring

He grabbed me by the back of my thighs and pulled me ontop of him

He wrapped his arms around me almost immediately
"Goodnight" he mumbled into my hair as he played with it

"Mhm..." was all I could hum as I fell asleep

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