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-hes such a cutie patootie

-even though you guys are dating he has the biggest crush on you

-he lets you put makeup on him basically anything

-he's so gullible

-horrible at lying

-every time he lies he scratches the back of his neck

-if he ever makes you sad or cry he'd absolutely hate himself

-he's so clumsy

-he's such an affectionate person and he makes you feel so special

-he doesn't know why you're insecure of anything because all your insecurities are his favorite parts about you

-if y'all are cuddling he always asks to be little spoon

-he once cried because while you were sleeping you took his arm off you

-he needs a lot of reassurance

-he never stops talking about you

-hobie is so sick of him

-literally everything on his phone is dedicated to you

-you know all his passwords

-you never even asked for them he just gave them to you

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