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Word Count: 2250


I stare down at the plate in front of me, trying to eat it as quickly as possible so I can go back to the room.

Why Allira, Kaan's mother, insists on forcing me to attend these dinners is beyond me. I'm not part of their family, and I don't want to sit opposite Kaan in serious pain, pretending like he isn't contemplating the ways he could kill me.

Over the past week he has been training me rigorously.

He could at least try make it less obvious he is desperate to get me out of here...

"Where's father?" Tay asks. She manages to look cheerful in even the most grim situations. I can't decide if I despise it or admire it.

The ex-Alpha was here for a day before he's off again. They may as well move out and give everyone space.

"He's away at our holiday home. I'll be joining him tomorrow," Allira states.

Kaan shakes his head a little, staring down at his food. I don't think he cares what his parents are doing, but some part of him resents them.

If I had to stay, I would want to know why.

"For how long?"

"A week or so, maybe longer. Kaan, you are in charge of looking after both your sisters, and Taysa, you are in charge of looking after Hunter," Allira instructs.

I grit my teeth together. I'm not a child in need of looking after. Especially by a girl who could very well be younger than me. What does she think I'm a threat or something?

More ability to walk further and for longer may be improving, but I'm still weak.

"Of course mother." Tay glances at me, grinning. I give her a tight smile, to appease her.

Allira stares down her son, who still refuses to look at her. "Kaan?"

"Do I have another choice?" He mutters. "I'm the Alpha, it's not as if I have more important issues to be dealing with."

Allira ignores him, summoning a breath. "If anything important happens in my absence, contact me immediately."

"Yes mother," Tay chirps.

"Will you be okay, Hunter? With these two?" She gestures between her two children. It takes everything in me not to beg her to get me out of here.

Despite the fact that I'm trapped here, I am in an advantageous position. No one will know I'm here, nor will they expect it. For now, I'm safe, but that could change at any moment.

And the last thing I want is for Tay or Kaan to learn about my past.

"I'll manage, I'm sure," I force out.

"Perhaps by the time we are back, you will be entirely healed," she notes. I nod, my stomach turning at her poisonous smile. This woman is insufferable.

I drag my fork along my plate. "I truly hope so."


The next morning, a gentle knock sounds on my door.

Tay bustles in, holding a mug of steaming liquid in her hand. My mood is sour this morning and her bright smile only unsettles me. A storm is rolling in and the room is stained with shadows.

"Have this." She hands me the mug, settling in next to me on the bed.

My scrunches up as I give it a sniff. "What is it?"

"Coffee, silly. It's my lame excuse to come talk to you."

"Oh, right."

I'm used to morning coffee, but only when it's full of cream and sugar, not black like this. I wince at the taste, although the bitterness suits my mood.

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