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Word Count: 1717


Yawning, I stretch back, letting the sun warm my skin.

"I don't know about you, Hunter, but I'm starving," Tay exclaims, popping the lid off a container that holds some strange looking paste.

She insisted on having lunch together on the lawn, claiming she wants to spend more time together as 'sisters.' Unfortunately for me, she has insisted on making everything herself, and after living her whole life having everything cooked for her, it seems I am merely an experiment.

I eye the food cautiously, although my stomach grumbles. "Me too. It's been a long day of training."

"With Kaan?"

"No, he's been doing business with his father, apparently. Or in other words, avoiding me completely," I mutter, digging into a small bowl of grapes, popping one into my mouth.

Kaan and I haven't spoken since he told me he is unfazed by the idea of me leaving before we can be married, expressing how uninterested in me he truly is.

It's not as if I have suspected he would be interested in me, but it has successfully offended me.

I know for a fact that he has been avoiding me because he has since returned from his morning business, and is now proceeding to train with Zain and Saren on the other side of the field, near the trees.

He's making his stance blatantly clear. He can't stand me.

"What do you think about Zain and Saren?" Tay asks, training her sharp gaze on the pair who take turns sparring with Kaan.

I pick at the individual food that Tay hasn't mushed together into something abhorrent. "They are nice enough. Why?"

When Tay doesn't respond right away, I give her a sideways glance. A mischievous smile plays at her lips as she looks between me and the pair.

"No reason. I just thought I'd prove my point today."

"What do you mean?" I ask apprehensively. I've learnt that when Tay gets a thought into her head, it's hard to expel it. Especially when it's a devious plan.

I want to care more than I do, but if I'm entirely honest, my gaze keeps fluttering over to the gardens, where I expect Edgar to be working.

I need to talk to him, and soon.

"You don't think Kaan has feelings for you, but I can prove to you he does..." Tay exclaims, rubbing her hands together.

I eye her suspiciously. "You can't be serious."

Kaan not being into me isn't a problem. It's not even something that bothers me. I'm not about to tell Tay that I plan on ditching her brother and our future marriage, as I don't want to hurt her feelings, but her trying to get Kaan and I together isn't going to work.

"I may or may not have alluded to Saren that you are kind of attracted to him," she says meekly, although her cunning smile can't be missed.

My mouth falls open. "Tay-"

Tay cuts me off, suddenly waving her hand wildly in Kaan's direction. I turn to realise they have been approaching us, likely heading back to the house now that their training session is done.

"Brother! Would you like a sandwich?" Tay asks, holding the plate up.

I lower my gaze, flushing. Things are still tense between Kaan and I, and now I have Saren to worry about.

Kaan's expression is pure disgust as he investigates the plate of food he knows his sister made. It doesn't help that all the condiments are spilling out of the bread.

"No, but I won't say no to some water," he states, gesturing to the pitcher of ice water Tay brought out.

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