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Word Count: 1613


I stare out across the crowd, feeling my breakfast churning uneasily in my stomach.

The last time I stood before a crowd like this, my brother was being announced as Alpha, taking over my father's position. That day I felt sick to my stomach as well, but for an entirely different reason...

Back then, I was angry that despite being older than my brother, I wasn't allowed any power. I hated that instead, I was destined to marry someone else with power, to give him heirs then disappear into a void of unimportance.

Today, I'm the focal point. All eyes examine Kaan's new bride to be, their new Luna.

"What an incredible day this is, where we can finally announce that our son has proposed to his beautiful fiancee, Hunter," Cyrus announces to the crowd, sweeping his arm around to encompass us.

Cyrus and Allira wanted to call me Livia to the crowd, although I pressed them not to. Thankfully they agreed to my terms, but only when I begrudgingly accepted being a lifeless, passive body on stage for people to stare at.

Allira steps forward, her lavish plum coloured dress shifting with her movements. "Their love story is quite unique, however, we cannot stop their love, and will allow Hunter to step in as your Luna, to support your wonderful Alpha."

Her words are clipped, although the crowd swoons.

People assume that the generous ex-Alpha and Luna are allowing Kaan and I to come together out of love. They are letting those who don't know who I am to assume a commoner who has had a chance to fall in love with the Alpha.

It would be a beautiful story, if it were real.

Kaan looks down at me, smiling widely. I don't think he has ever smiled to me like this. He's an impressive actor, gazing at me with a warmth that suggests to onlookers that he is obsessed with me.

For a moment, I almost believe he is...

He squeezes my hand tightly, the leather of his gloves soft despite his harsh grasp. It's a reminder of what my duty is today.

"I am excited to be amongst such amazing citizen's. And I cannot wait to rule next to my true love, Alpha Kaan," I exclaim loudly, painting a faux smile on my face, despite my inner terror.

People clap, although there are some wary faces.

Most will be wondering if I'm equipped for this job. Others will wonder why Kaan hasn't mentioned me before, perhaps even doubting the story of our love.

Not that I care...I'll be gone soon, once I'm recovered. Currently, I can barely stand, my legs trembling slightly.

"I hope you will accept Hunter as your new Luna. I have fallen deeply in love with her, and there is no one I would rather rule beside, than her," Kaan states.

His posture is unnervingly straight, his smile perfect. He truly is an excellent Alpha, and his people can see it. That's part of the reason why Kaan scares me so much...it goes beyond all his secrets, and to the cold reminder of all the terrible Alpha's I grew up around.

Kaan slips his hand from mine, drawing it up to grasp my forearm. He leans toward me, his mouth coming close to my ear.

"Smile, and don't pull away," he whispers.

I open my mouth to respond, before quickly heeding his advice, plastering a smile onto my face. He presses his hand onto my lower back, his fingers bunching in the fabric of my dress. Pressing me closer, he leans down and kisses me.

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