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Word Count: 1918


I lean against the wall, trying not to throw up.

Kaan must be having the same experience but for an entirely different reason...

I just spent an unreasonable amount of time trekking back here to the castle with him. He's drunk enough to be a nuisance, swaying back and forth as we walk, even worse than me.

Because of his state, I had to grit my teeth and fight through the pain to make it back. We collectively collapsed about six times between us.

I would be mortified if I wasn't sure Kaan will forget this by tomorrow.

"I can't believe I'm helping you, I'm meant to be the injured one," I remind him for the tenth time tonight, rubbing at a dirt stain on my pants.

He stares me down with a lazy smirk, his deep brown hair slightly damp, hanging down over his eyes.

"Say the word, and I'll carry you."

I roll my eyes, pushing off the wall. "You are barely even capable of keeping your head up. Now go into your room."

His bedroom door is open, dousing the hallway with light. I haven't looked in there...it seems too intimate.

"Come in with me," he encourages playfully.

"No way," I snap, folding my arms. His inhibitions are far too low, and I'm seeing a side to him that I honestly didn't think existed.

Alpha's joking around. That couldn't be possible...

He keeps his eyes on me as he backs down the hall half into his room. I should return to my room, but I feel the pressing need to make sure he gets into bed and doesn't choke on his own vomit.

"I need help with something in here," he murmurs roughly, gazing flickering before he vanishes into the room.

I take a moment to tip my head back and let out an irritated groan. I wish I was a bad person.

Stalking to the threshold of the room, I peer in.

Shockingly, the room isn't anything like what I expected. There is nothing distinguishing about this, with a large bed in the centre, covered in crisp white linen. The bedside tables, the dress, and a single chair in the corner of the room are the only glimpse of him, as it's clear from the rich wood and clean edges that he made them himself.

"Your manipulation tactics won't work on me," I tell him, leaning my shoulder against the doorframe.

He sits on the edge of the bed, smiling wickedly. "What if I said please?"

"Drink some water, Kaan," I instruct, pointing to the glass already full sitting on his bedside table.

His stare devours me. "I love the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth."

I sigh. "Drink."

He finally obliges me, taking a long drink from the glass. He forces so much down at once that some spills out down his chin, falling onto his shirt and pants.

"Woah." He laughs a little, pulling his partially wet shirt away from his skin.

"Kaan!" I scold, rushing forward to snatch the glass from his hands, setting back down on his bedside table.

"I'm sorry."

"Come on, you have to undress," I grit out, motioning down to the wet spots on his clothes. I should just let him sleep like this as punishment for being a pain.

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