chapter 2

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Shavon finally had accepted reality now after 5 days of throwing a fit. Even if he didn't like the situation there was nothing he could do anyways and throwing a fit will do nothing!

Now the information he gathers, one this person male is 19 years old he is his mother, though male he gave birth to him… somehow another thing his father Sucks. 

For the past five days he has not arrived to sign the birth papers, personally. But luckily it was complete. His mother's name is Sihan Evans. Which is a funny coincidence because that's the name of the Shou protagonist in the book "The Blessing You Gave".

Because ironically he'd be a baby of dubious consent, nor mention a shipper baby. If he has a say in it HELL TO THE FUCK NO!!

That toxic ass relationship he will not condone! Stay single, you can always mingle!

Shavon upon opening the door smiles then raises the baby carrier. "Noah, this is our home now, no more hospital. Isn't that great" 

Shavon finds his mother's expression cute, look at how adorable and innocent he seems. Walking around and showing Shavon he can't help but think this place was huge. Then again it's all thanks to the scum Mr. Slim shady. 

"And finally your room!! This was what your papa paid for, though you must be disappointed you didn't see him but I promise you you will" 

'I don't want to meet him, don't want to know him, you let him stay where he is better for the two of us' 

Shavon can't help but puff, his mother had the cutest sad face. He couldn't stand it, especially the fact it was because of that wretched bastard!! 

"Let me take you out so you can see better" 

Sihan smiles as he walks around the relatively small room, the walls in the sky blue with white clouds and small birds, there was a lovely crib at the corner of the room. Inside the crib was some nice and plushy with a crib mobile hanging at the top. Besides the crib was a small white sofa next to the window and a small pot plant with it, on the other side of the window was a white baby drawer and between the drawers and sofa under the window was a baby rocker. 

Shavon thinks the room looks comfy and cosy, he looks up at his mother who kissed him on the forehead happily.

"I really put a lot of thought in it, I hope you like it very much" 

'It looks comfy' 

Sihan smiles then walks over to the crib and puts his baby in the crib he then talks up a toy and waves it above the baby. "Do you like bunny's Noah? I like bunnies so I made you this pink bunny hehe" 

Shavon looks at his mother as such a sweet boy he should be in first year college studying yet he is taking care of a kid. If his mother Sihan was indeed the Shou protagonist of the novel then he pities this one.

The novel goes that the shou protagonist fell in love at first sight with the gong male lead, Sihan at the time was only 16 and the male lead was 20 yikes! Then again some teens are that way his cousin sure was. The gong male lead obviously wasn't aware of his existence so for a year the Shou was just the one sided admirer until he turned 17 and met the Gong a bunch of things happened the Shou protagonist confessed then they started dating.

This is where things got complicated, the gong male lead was the typical rich son of a wealthy family high society people. While the shou protagonist was your average civilian, translations lower class citizens.

Obviously the gong male lead's family doesn't approve of the relationship therefore was not taken seriously until the gong bastard got the Shou protagonist pregnant, when told the gong protagonist fumed. 

He wanted Yetus the fetus, in Shavon's opinion the shou protagonist should have done so but no! It was against the cinnamon roll morals. So keep the baby it was! This infuriated the gong male lead thinking that the Shou protagonist baby trapped him!

Since then the gong male lead started to treat the shou protagonist coldly, from ignoring him to threatening him to keep his and the child's existence secret or else. The only thing the sweet shou wants is to be happy with gong and baby.

'Blegh! Garbage!' 

Sihan looked at the toy, he could see his baby glaring at it. He guessed he didn't like it after all. He frowns sadly though he tried to mend it properly after being ripped it still looks awful. 

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