Chapter 48

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“I love you guys, if there is anything you need don't be afraid to call!” Sihan said.

“It's okay, we will come to visit and you visit us often okay.” Rosalie said.


Sihan is happy but sad he has to leave, Amani smiles at them happily. Noah waves at them, he is sad, he feels bad. He could see his mother's happy expression. Amani notices as he buckles him in the chair.

“What's wrong little Eisenstein?” He asks.


“Are you sure? Do you want to stay longer with grandma and grandpa?” He asks.

“Yes,” Noah answers straight forward.

Amani smiles ruffles his head then gives him his juice cup, “Mr. And Mrs Evans, we will be visiting really soon. It seems our Noah Noah doesn't want to leave.”

Noah blushes and pouts, Rosalie and Carlton chuckles, they went to the backseat. Rosalie kisses him as she gives him a hug and Carlton ruffles his hair hugging him.

“We'll be here waiting on you,” 

Noah smiles, he forgives them for calling him fat. 

Amani looks at his phone as a text message comes in, he sighs relying on the text.

After sweet parting they head home, Sihan looks at his phone seeing a message from Alex Amani notices.


“I guess,” Sihan answers vividly.

Amani looks in the rear view mirror seeing Noah asleep, the snacks and juice knocks him out cold.

“His wife?”

“Not by much choice, I didn't want to be rude.” Sihan said a bit saddened by the predicament.

“At the expense of your comfort,” Amani said, putting a candy into his mouth.

“I– it's not his fault, he seems ignorant to all this and I do feel sorry for him. He reminds me of my younger self.” Sihan said, looking at the road.

“It often does, the past has a funny way of reminding you of where you came from. Haha” Amani said, smiling.

“You?” Sihan turns to look at him.

“Well, yes.” 

“You know Amani you don't tell me much about yourself, it feels like there is so much I don't know about you. Like why did you help me?” 

Amani looks at Sihan for a second before facing the road once more, “believe if you want, but there really wasn't any special reason you just needed help, that's all.” 

Sihan sighs with a smile, “that's special in itself, because if it weren't for you, I hate to admit it but I'd still be fooling myself and Noah probably wouldn't be so happy.” Sihan said.

“I'm glad I made it better, that's why when you face baby daddy you show you aren't the same kid, the victim he used to know.” 

“Actually if I'm being honest I feel kinda vindictive, I want to tell Alex not because he deserves to know but to hurt Nathaniel.” Sihan said.


“I won't tell him while feeling like this, because I am not that type of person but I'll eventually have to and when I do it won't be because of malice but because I genuinely care.” Sihan said.

Amani smiles feeling proud, “now that's kind hearted Bambi.” 

Finally reaching the city, Amani stops by a fast food restaurant ordering for everyone. Noah had heard everything previously discussed in the car and he thinks that his mother has grown very much but he hopes that growth isn't Shot back by the scum gong. 

He is sitting by himself in the chair. His mother went to the bathroom while Amani was in the line which was very long so it will take a while.

“Noah!” Alexis shouts 

(A/n: change the twins name can't bother fighting my keyboard to spell Mauntique and Markylle so their names are Alec/Alexis and Noel)

Noah looks around to see two familiar minions, he looks up and soon his blood runs cold. His chest tightens as his breathing becomes hard, his eyes meet that person and he feels his anxiety creep up.

He is scared, he remembers the night the loud impact against the wall and the eyes that had violent intent within them. 

He swallows, Alex soon ruffles his hair, snapping him out of it.

“Noah, good evening, where is your mother?”  Alex asks politely. 

Alex, seeing the frightened expression, thinks the youngling wasn't fond of big strange men as expected of children. 

“He is… not here,” he said looking at the male.

Nathaniel looks at Noah, his heart skips a bit as a bit of sadness takes over. His son Noah would be the same age of this boy, he resembles him Noah was premature and he grew fast and became chubby despite starting out quite ugly and feeble.

‘Mommy don't show up, please.’ 

“Excuse me, do you need something?” 

Noah looks up to see Amani with stuff, Alex smiles. Nathaniel widens his eyes.


“Good evening Mr. Laurier.” Amani said.

“Do you know him, Nathaniel?” Alex said.

“Yes, I tended to a close acquaintance of his, a few years back.” Amani answers quickly.

Nathaniel was ready to retort but looking at Alex and he sighs a “yes,” 

“You never told me about that,” Alex said.

“Well, I couldn't find a way to bring it up since he went missing.” Nathaniel said.

“Really, that must have been painful.” Alex sympathises.

“Truly, it was. But let's go before Alec and Noel get impatient.” 

“No, they quite like Noah.” 

“Noah, we love the cake your mom made. Can you make more?” Noel asks.

“No, you have to buy it,” Noah said.

“Dad has plenty of money!” Noel said.

“You must order it.” 

“OK! Dad” 


“Okay” Alec droops.

The kids smile as the adults say goodbye, Amani looks at Sihan standing at the end of the room. 

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