Chapter 12

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Outside the apartment sitting on the floor, his arms resting on his knees, his head hanging down. He holds his head running his fingers through his hair as he thinks frustrated, this was his break. Soon Sihan comes out with Noah and he looks up at them, seeing Sihan swollen eyes he looks away for a bit but sighs and pats the space beside him. 

Sihan Smiles brightly, he offers Noah to Nathaniel before sitting next to him. Nathaniel looks at baby Noah.

"Listen, I get it. But let me be the busy one, for both of us." Nathaniel said, almost frustrated.

Sihan was silent, seeing Nathaniel's face he can't help but give in; he doesn't like seeing the people he loves hurt. He holds Nathaniel's head then kisses his temple, but then blush and touches his lips.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself" 

Nathaniel chuckles at Sihan's cuteness, "it's okay, maybe we can be a little mischievous from time to time".

"Nuh huh! I don't want Noah to be embarrassed!" He blushes. 

Nathaniel chuckles, then slowly leans in for a kiss. Sihan didn't refuse to allow him to be kissed.

'This is disgusting' 

After the embarrassment Sihan hides his face on Nathaniel's chest, soon Nathaniel turns to see the baby with an expression of pure disgust on his face. 

"Your face… whatever, who am I kidding you're a baby." 

After Sihan makes dinner as Nathaniel tries to put Noah to bed but with no avail making the other put him to the bed, after dinner the two clean up and get ready for bed. Sihan chuckles and blushes as the other male gets handies with him, making him feel ticklish, but soon then his hand slips under his clothes caressing his body and nibbling with his ear.

"~Nat" he lets out a gentle moan.

"I'll really stop, do you want me to?" He said, teasing him.

"But we can't… what if–Ah!" 

"Mm? I can't hear you" 

"I'm scared of what might happen. Your a little scary … down~down *huff* there" Sihan said.

"I'll careful, but if you say no" 

Sihan bites his lips, then caves in under the devilish attack against his body. Soon the other male raises up towering over him then removes his shirt showing his marble and perfect body, he soon licks his lips as he held Sihan's foot and drags him closer. 

The next day, Nathaniel had to return home while Sihan had to check-in with the doctor. 

"Well, he is doing well, quite healthy, too" The doctor informs.

"Doctor, he cried for the first time since his birth yesterday…" Sihan smiles. 

The doctor looked at him, he could see a genuine relief in the mother's eyes as a trickle of tears traced down his cheek.

"You have no idea how relieved I am" he said, "Noah is okay, my lovely baby is alright" 

"Um sir"

"Hey Sterling I need you to—" 

Sihan pauses when he sees another male just barged into the room, the tall handsome male pauses. Inside his mouth was a lollipop, his eyes as dark as coal, his hair was a bit messy but it only made him look more appealing. 

"Ah Sterling you bovine bastard I told you need to be more gentle with your patients! Here have a lollipop" 

He took out a pink lollipop from his pocket and offered it to Sihan. 

"Shut up!" Sterling yells, "I didn't make him cr–" 

"I'm sorry Mr, but you've misunderstood something he didn't make me cry… I'm just really happy that's all" Sihan smiles while pulling the lollipop. 

"Oh yeah, tears of joy those exist as well" 

"Can you be any more serious!" 

"Careful doc, you need to act more professional~" the guy jokes.

"Coming from you! You literally badge in my office!" 

Noah feels like he is surrounded by nincompoops, but it's rare to be this entertained at a hospital. Sihan chuckles with the lollipop in his mouth making him look very cute and adorable. 

"Awe, how cute! Now Sterling, don't go flirting with your patients! Besides, he is way too young for you even if with a child." 


"Meh, I'll give until next week." 


The doctor then looks at Noah then pause, "that baby is judging me" 

Sihan was surprised, but then he tilted his head and showed Noah. "Oh no, that's just how Noah is," Sihan said in his baby's defends. 

The doctor took out another lollipop to point at Noah, "no, that baby is definitely judging" 

'Of course I am, yall being a bunch of idiots, how am I not supposed to?' 

Sihan looks at Noah with a smile then gives a cute smile, "then does that mean my Noah is always judging mommy? Now that I think about it I haven't seen much of this expression lately" Sihan thinks.

'Because the trash was around' 

Noah pauses as he sees the doctor look at him deeply, it's weird. 



"I feel like your baby is gonna be a little genius growing up" the doctor said.

Sihan, who was very curious, blushes in excitement. Maybe he can help his worries about Noah. "Um… can I have your number!" 

Everyone froze including Noah, 'Mom! Dump my scum of a father first before you hit on someone!' 


Okay so I can't give the actual profile yet so this is a picture of the doctor

Okay so I can't give the actual profile yet so this is a picture of the doctor

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Another picture of Noah's dad! Nathaniel is sexy though

Another picture of Noah's dad! Nathaniel is sexy though

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