Chapter 13

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The doctor looks at Sihan then smile, "Ooh, bold".


The doctor takes out his pen from his pocket and takes a paper from the table and writes his name and number then offers it to Sihan. 

Sihan looks at him and smiles, "Dr. Amani" 

Sterling glares at the doctor, "how could you–" 

"Well, I haven't gotten your name" 

"Oh well, it's Sihan Evans age 19, yes I'm a young mother but please don't judge me" 

Dr. Amani looks at him for a while then smiles, "Aren't you cute, almost like a shy kid in school. And another thing I don't care about. I'm a doctor I met plenty like you, so what we all make stupid mistakes as kids some just has more detrimental results than others." 

Sihan Smiles happily, the doctor seems to couldn't care less about him being a young mother, while Noah thinks this guy seems to couldn't care less about anything. He seems carefree and relaxed… How did he reach that enlightenment?

"Well, I'm glad," Sihan said sweetly.

The Dr. Amani then takes a chair and sits on it, Dr. Sterling stares at him begrudgingly. "Get lost, aren't you busy?!" 

"For a doctor you sure like to neglect your eh Sterling? Your throat must be tired and your stress level probably gone up," Dr. Amani said.

"Yeah?! And who's fault is that?!" 

"Yhesh, is dating so hard for you that you have to take your stress out on me? But don't you worry I'm a good listener and martyr I'll take your frustration~" 

Noah thinks there is no winning against a guy like that, not once did his mood shift. Sihan tilts his head while smiling at the situation. 

After finishing their checkups, Dr. Amani decided to escort them outside the hospital. Sihan was very grateful while Noah was tired mentally. Being a baby was so tiring and stressful, no wonder they cry and be miserable most of the time. After returning home Sihan smiles happily upon reading a message he receives. 

"Noah, I just got a message from your dad. Guess what we'll be making friends soon, he already got signed up for parents and children lessons. Also he made ordered little you plusses, heheh" 

Sihan shows the screen to Noah only to see some plusses with his sour puss expressions, Noah was caught between laughing and being chased. Honestly it was funny but another thing is he feels insulted. He looks like the baby version of Benjamin Button!  

"Noah, your dad really loves you, a lot even and I'm glad". Sihan smiles as a tear falls from his eye.

Sihan was gently caressing Noah's crown.

Noah can't say it's a lie the gong does love the baby shou, but there wasn't much interaction alone it was always with the shou protagonist or the protagonist and the baby. The relationship between father and son wasn't flush out so their dynamic was a mystery if left alone. But overall that doesn't matter to him as long as the two are together, Noah would be up to exploring that relationship separately but as he sees it now he will never like that man now.

"I love you Noah, I want you to feel lots of love, I want you to be happy," Sihan smiles. 

Sihan Smiles and kisses Noah's cheek, then lifts him into the sky looking at him with a genuine content smile.

Sihan remembers when he first got pregnant before it was a devastating and panicking situation, he was 18 pregnant and didn't know what to do but one thing he knew he was gonna keep his baby and now he was looking at the fact his fat cheek grumpy baby. 

"Are you judging me now, Noah?" 

'Very much so' 


That night Sihan slept with Noah right next to him. 

Before anyone knew it a week passed and it was time for their first day Parents Children daycare club. 

"So we've got everything packed, including extra cupcakes right?" Sihan looks at Noah who was strapped to him sucking on a soother. 


"You are judging me again, C'mon Noah just this once I want to make a good first impression!" 


Sihan Smiles he wants to kiss Noah's cute face right now! But first he must meet everyone, he takes a deep breath then smiles as he heads inside with everything.


I believe some asks what Naoh looks like but because the profile I for him doesn't reach there yet I'll give you something what he currently looks like. And what he will look in as a toddler

 And what he will look in as a toddler

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He has black hair though

What he will look like fairies a toddler Done by aurora_2604

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What he will look like fairies a toddler
Done by aurora_2604

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