Chapter 32

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"And this the cafeteria, breakfast at 8 lunch is at 1 and dinner is at 7 you can get food otherwise with these pointer cards, pick what ever you like," he offers pointing at big menu board above.

Sihan looks at the large menu board thinking of what he'd like, he could only look at the pictures and not the words as he barely understood any of it. This made him pick something random and familiar.

"Oooh, that one. You really like spicy things" 


"That dish, really spicy…Ah!" Sage slaps his forehead. "Right, how could it slip me! Okay so I'm gonna recommend a dish you're familiar with okay." 


Sage then turns to the lady pointing at a meal then ordering another one, Sihan couldn't understand anything they were saying and was confused for the most part.

"A baby's menu," 

Sihan was confused when the person handed him a tablet with pictures of baby food, Sage soon turns to him smiling. "Is there anything the little one is allergic to?" 

"No, not that I know," Sihan said.

"Okay, any dislikes." 

"He doesn't like Sonya brands, or pears," 

"Got it," Sage soon turns to the lady and then spoke in his home language. "Apples juice with mash potatoes fry sausages," 

"Yes, very well then, this one is foreigner?" 

"Yes, don't speak our language so I must treat him well, I hope you could help him out when I'm not around" 

"Of course, we are CIN, if we aren't helpful then what are we?" 

"Thank you it's much appreciated," 

"No need, you just focus on you Sage," 

Sihan tilts his head as Sage use the card then walks off, "I'm sorry that might have rude leaving you clueless like that," 

"It's okay," 

"Don't worry, I'll sign you up in bilingual classes I'll even have paps teach you he is the best teacher someone can ask for," Sage said.

"I don't really want to pressure doctor Amani too much," 

"You won't helping is in his nature don't stress it," 

After eating Sage guides Sihan back to his room considering it was getting late, but in the way there they met into another male entering the room he looks the exact same age as Sihan in his arms is a one year old baby. Sihan tilts his head guessing it was the roommate he was informed about, Sage smiles at him.  The male looks at them confused.

"Who are you?" 

"Hi, sorry but this here is your new roommate Sihan Evans" 

"New roomate Ah, he doesn't look like he is from around here?" 

"Yes, he is not from Zerfram he doesn't speak Zefer either." 

"He is not Zefran, I understand." 

Sihan could see the other looking at him, offers his hand smiling as the male tries to say.

"Ra.jah Tru..uam" 

'Uh, what now?'

"Sihan this is Raija Traham, he will be your roommate henceforth."

Sihan then takes his hand smiling the said, "Si. Han. E-vans" 

"Raija this is Sihan Evans he will be your roommate going forward please treat him well." 

"I will, I will, it's move comfortable to have good roommate than none right? Motherly struggles to share! I can even cook, shouldn't always feed on bloody cafeteria food barely enough to sustain any livelihood." Raija complains. 

"Okay, okay, I must go now, Ah lend me your phone" 

Sihan offers the phone to him and soon he downloaded an translating app on it, Sihan smiles feeling more comfortable despite the language barrier. 

"Tomorrow early, I'll come." 


Soon Raija with inside with him, Sihan found Raija to be quite friendly and outspoken in the span of one night he learns that Raija's daughter Adiel was deaf Raija is 19 just like Sihan and is doing college as well as work for the program to maintain points and a healthy living for both his baby and him. 

Sihan found it nice it's been so long that he spoken to someone in the same age room who feels so natural to him, it made remember his days at college.

Later after Raija went to his room Sihan was feeding Noah when the phone started ringing. Seeing it was Dr. Amani he smiles lightly and answers the phone.

"Hello Bambi how are you feeling?" 


"It's my name for you Bambi, how are you feeling?" 

Sihan slightly blushes feeling a bit shy but he smiles, "I'm fine," 

"Are you sure? Aren't you a bit overwhelmed, unsure, feeling like you might be wron and making a mistake feeling that you've been rash?" Amani said pulling the lollipop from his mouth.


Hearing no response Amani smiles, "Don't worry Bambi, it's gonna feel that way for a while you're gonna overthink wonder fret and misjudge yourself at times. But remember keep your head high a move forward, I'll help every step on your way until you feel like this old man is meddling too much okay Bambi, so keep your head high and in the wise of Dory 'just keep swimming' ".

Hearing such words Sihan chuckles, Amani is so nice he feels so much better having reassuring words. 

I Became The Protagonist's Child Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon