Chapter 29

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Sihan looks up at Amani who is sitting on the other side of the train seat, he takes out a snack bar from his pocket then offers it to Sihan.

"It's gonna take a while here, so have a snack at least," he said, smiling.

Sihan looks at him a bit sadly, hesitated but he takes it but puts it down for a moment and looks at him.

"What's gonna happen to you?" 

"Me? I'll be fine," Amani said.

"You don't know what he is capable of," 

"But neither do you Mr. Evans," he jokes.

"I don't want you to end up in trouble because of me…" Sihan spoke softly.

"Haha, silly child. I wouldn't be in trouble because of you, I'd be in trouble because I don't know how to mind my own business!" 

Sihan bites his bottom lip, "you're not taking me seriously." 

"Oh, but I am Mr. Very much, if I didn't I wouldn't be here with you right now. Regardless of how much trouble I'll be in I can always get back up like push ups, in life you go down you go up and you back down and the process repeats itself. But you know what? I'll never stop until I reach my end goal,".

Sihan looks at his baby, who was looking at Amani. Sihan smiles warily, "does Noah like Dr. Amani?" 

"Of course he does, birds like shiny things and so do babies".

'By that logic I'm a bird and you're a trinket,' 

"Dr. Amani, will I be able to see you often?" 

"For now, no. After placing you on the plane I'll have to return to work as if nothing happened but I'll call you Zorah, my older sister the woman in this photo will aid you from your land in Zerfram." Amani explains.

Sihan is scared, he is not one to make decisions of his own and it's a scary thing to process. Right now everything in his body is telling him to go back, he is overreacting, he's taking away Noah's dad. Go back, stop, go back.

"Um… why are you doing this?" 


"Uh… leave," 

Amani looks at him for a moment then looks out the window, his eyes glistening a little from the small sunlight that shines in. 

"I just want to help people, that's all, no special reason." He said with deep sincerity.

Sihan feels at ease, hearing that there was no special reason, no specific reason as to why he does it. When they had met up he made sure he ate, and on the way to the train station he had him change right now he looked as though he was a pregnant woman and on both of their hands were matching rings. No one with questions or second guess maybe it's a little overboard but they needed to be cautious.

Upon arriving at the airport, he stops at the aeroplane entrance. "After the phone is sold I'll send you the money, for now this is all I've got." 

He takes out some cash and give it to him, "there is no need to do that," 

"Think of it as an allowance, henceforth I'm responsible for your well-being. Besides I'm taking you away from a rich life, I may not be stinking rich but I at least want enough for you to have pocket money… plus this is Zerfram money I can't spend it here," he jokes.

Sihan blushes but smiles, "you're really nice doctor Amani, I hope good things come your way." 

"You too Sihan, you're a good kid. Oh and Zorah will be a bit intimidating but just know that's how she is!" 

"I understand," 

Sihan went and found his seat number after saying his goodbyes, the man beside him irked. "Great a mother and a kid," 

As the plane prepares for lift off he looks out the window wondering if Nathaniel and his parents got his letters.

Dear, mom&dad 

I'll be leaving somewhere far away with Noah, so please don't look for me, I'll be fine where I am. 

I know you'll be worried about me and wanting to ask questions but I won't be able to answer,  don't ask where I am, I can not tell you for the safety of all of us. Don't call the police, don't search for me, I'll contact you when I can. Keep this letter between us and only us, if Nathaniel asks about me you know nothing. You're just terrified parents, so please respect my decision and don't try to contact me. I know it's too much but I need it so I can walk on my own two feet. 

Your beloved son,

Sihan Evans 



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Do. Not. Watch. The. Covers. Too. Much.

I really like Amani

I may go on a hiatus maybe

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