Helping Myself

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(wasn't too sure what to name this one 😭 also warning for maybe some gross descriptions of gore and injuries- not that bad tho-)

The ringing stopped after a minute.

I groaned and leaned back in my chair, before looking out my still opened door. I must have accidentally left it open. It had snowed, a thick layer on the ground. I noticed it was still dark out.

I looked down at my doorstep and some of the snow had gotten into my house, barely sprinkled onto the floor.

I hesitantly got up, and one of the scabs over one of my wounds popped open. I hissed in pain and tried not to scream as I froze

It took me a minute but I walked over to my door and shut it. I was freezing. I shivered and took a deep breath, before I wrapped my arms around myself to try and warm up.

I remembered that I had a dresser that might have had clothes in it. I slowly made my way to my bedroom.

Everything looked the same, and I wanted to lie in the bed, but I remembered my back and didn't wanna lie down on that wound.. I turned to my dresser and opened a drawer. The scratch on my left arm hurt.

I found a yellow pajama shirt with a duck on it. I took it out. I needed some new pants since, well, they were all torn and bloodstained. I whimpered uncomfortably as I slowly tried to put the shirt on.

The shirt was oversized, definitely, and felt big on my thin figure, but I was a little less cold now at least. I opened another drawer and found some brown jeans.

I took out the jeans and felt an incredibly gross feeling of crusted, dried blood rubbing against the fabric of my shirt, both on my chest and back. "Why didn't I think to wash that off..?" I sighed, breathing sharply right after. My throat hurt for whatever reason. Maybe it had to do with my whole coughing blood problem I'd had the night before.

I groaned again and began to walk to my bathroom. I figured a nice shower would help me.

Before I got in the shower, I turned the water on so it could warm up. I took off my shirt and threw it on the floor with the brown jeans. I then took off my pants and stuff, before getting in the shower.

"Oh sweet CREATOR-" I screamed. The hot water burnt me! Rude! I quickly turned the shower to a colder temperature and sighed. Today was not my day..

I felt a lot better after getting all the blood off me. I got out of my nice lukewarm shower and dried off, careful with my scratches.

I had a little trouble getting the jeans on with my huge scratch on my thigh- but I ended up getting dressed alright. I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub as I struggled to get my socks on.

When I finally got them on, I sighed and sat there, feeling almost nothing but pain and stress. What was I supposed to do? I didn't want to worry any of my friends. What was I supposed to tell them, "A huge monster attacked me and nearly killed me"? That sounded silly. This entire situation was silly.

I was sure that if I just rested and stayed inside, everything would be okay and we could still have the party.

The party! I was excited for that! I wondered if Sophie had made the cake. Maybe it would be a good idea to go see her. I slowly stood up and carefully stretched.

I opened my door, and instantly a blast of cold air blew in my face. I was instantly freezing cold again. I was a bit upset that I only had a short sleeve shirt..

Atleast it was brighter outside by then.

The bakery was a short walk away, I was sure it wouldn't take long to get there.

Original Our World , Read Descحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن