Chapter 39

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Life at camp had finally turned agreeable—at least, it did for Percy.

The glares Percy used to get at every mealtime were replaced with fearful glances as if the demigods thought that Percy would kill everyone at the slightest misstep. Percy could now traverse peacefully to the training arena without sneaking around. And most importantly, he moved the recruits' practice sessions to different places in camp.

Normally, if one wanted to use the sparring arena near the strawberry fields (the newest building in camp and the most popular), one would have to sign up a week in advance—which only guaranteed one's spot for half an hour. But the moment Percy showed up with Serena, Alina, Louisiana, and Nico, the demigods would immediately scatter—even if they were fighting one another. 

Even Serena, Alina, and Louisiana treated him differently. They'd make sure not to slack off when he was supervising. And when they needed a sparring partner, their first choice was always Nico. (One day, Serena was forced to spar against Percy—Nico was busy eating. For the ten minutes they fought, the demigod looked ready to faint in fear.) It was as if Percy was a celebrity. A very scary one.

Things might have been looking up, but that wasn't the case for everyone at Camp. And on the twenty-first day of this treatment, Percy learned how disastrous his actions had been.


The day was a Saturday. A sunny, quiet, and happy day. (A/N- almost as if someone's gonna ruin it TT)

Percy was strolling on the main path to the dining hall for lunch. Upon observing him, the demigods in front of him scattered, heedless of Percy's jubilant expression. 

Times have changed, haven't they? Percy thought in satisfaction as the demigods behind him suddenly changed directions as if a ticking time bomb was strapped to him. But Percy didn't care.

The change in roles was refreshing. Long gone were the days when Percy played the role of a shadow; he was now allowed to wander like a regular human. I'm not asking for much, am I?

Unfortunately for him, nothing was for free. 

Just as Percy passed the Demeter cabin, a scream pierced through the blue sky like a siren—a voice full of agony and terror. The sound came from the space inside the circle of cabins. It was followed by choleric yelling—and given the multiple voices involved, it would develop into a one-sided fight.

Upon hearing the commotion, the few stragglers around Percy skidded to a stop, wondering if they should help. They looked at Percy, who hadn't even skipped a step. Why isn't he stopping? The demigods wondered. Isn't he supposed to be the Hero of Olympusthe one that stands up for justice? What is he thinking?

At that same moment, as he advanced over the gravel path, Percy thought, Screw justice. They're probably getting what they deserve.

The camp was bound to have fights; if Percy stepped in whenever he heard a dispute, he wouldn't have had time to breathe. And besides, if he were in a row, Percy wouldn't want any interference. That way, things could stay fair. 

Yeah. Stepping in would only make things worse, Percy thought.

And yet, Percy found himself skidding to a stop. His legs wouldn't move, as though the tendons had turned to stone by Medusa's glance. 

His past experiences in Camp rushed toward him like a freight train: hordes of demigods around him, kicking, punching, yelling, and stabbing. 

It was worse than Tartarus. Because his so-called brothers and sisters were the ones administering the punishments. As if they hadn't fought through life and death together. As if he was a monster. 

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