Chapter 64

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A/N--Pertemis makes a rebound! Kinda. Hope you all enjoy the chapter!


Four dead guards—each with a clean stab through their heart. The reinforced doors lay on the ground in a million pieces. And chaos everywhere.

If that didn't signal an invasion, then what did?

But the throne room seemed eerily empty and dark. Normally, his wife and a multitude of soldiers resided here during the day. He could only hope they'd found a place to hide.

Poseidon treaded carefully into the room. He sighed in relief as he saw his throne—in one piece, without even a scratch. He closed his eyes and observed the water molecules around him.

The action made him smile. Normally, he wouldn't have used such cowardly ways. But with a bit of Percy's persuasion, Poseidon had realized that. sometimes, lowering one's pride was better than risking one's life. Helping your father even when you're not present . . . I could learn a thing or two from you, Percy.

He made sure that there were no human-shaped globs, even a few rooms over. But . . .

"I know you're in here," Poseidon said. He flicked his hand, and his golden trident appeared. "Why don't you make things easier on both of us and come on out?"

He smiled, remembering how he'd insisted Percy name Asími, even though the god was totally being a hypocrite. I'll have to ask him to name mine when we meet next—or rather, give me some that I should steer clear of.

Just then, something whished toward the back of Poseidon's head. He spun around and deflected it with his trident a millimeter from his vanquishing to Tartarus.

"Sharp as always, Poseidon—in both deduction and reaction." A man appeared from behind a granite pillar, where Poseidon swore he'd checked multiple times. "I should be expecting nothing less from my rival."

The man had long, silky hair and a bush beard, both of them a startling grey. Poseidon, like every time they met, marveled at how the color, usually a sign of old age, complimented the mysterious figure's dark skin and muscular build to create a stunning look. It made him envious. Hmph. Amphitrite says I look like her grandpa if I try to copy him.

Additionally, there was a strange, dome-shaped crown on his head. It was an unusual shade of red, and it made Poseidon's skin crawl.

"You've changed, Oceanus," Poseidon said. "Using javelins? And wearing a crown? I've always considered you a trident-wielding and a crab-riding pest."

"Don't worry, that'll come too. At least, only some of it." Oceanus' smile was unsettling—as if he knew something Poseidon didn't. "As for the new look—it's here to stay. What, does it scare you?"

"Not really," Poseidon shot back. "It's more surprising. I never knew an old man had enough tenacity to experiment with novel things."

"That arrogant denigration . . . that'll be the first thing I'll make sure you apologize for after I have you in chains—and Atlantis is under my control."

Poseidon's eyes flashed with anger. "You'll have to defeat me first!"

"Well, that's a given. There's no way I'd lose." Oceanus hurled a javelin at godlike speed.

This time, Poseidon was ready. He slowed the weapon down by concentrating water in its path and then launched it toward his opponent's head. Then he lunged for Oceanus' back, leaving no room to run. This had to be the end . . .

In the blink of an eye, Oceanus caught the javelin. He spun around to meet Poseidon's attack, stabbing his weapon in such a way that the middle tip of the trident clashed perfectly against his.

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