Chapter 70

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(Enjoy the chapter :))


Annabeth's grey eyes were usually stormy; now, her pupils had dilated, looking like a pair of black holes. She held a cup of Dionysus' special "grape juice" in one hand. She wobbled unsteadily on the piano. 

She was drunk.

"You can't run away, Percy!" she slurred out. "You'll look like a coward. And I know you hate seeming weak in front of these idiots called the Olympians."

The crowd winced. Annabeth didn't say anything untruthful, but after what Percy'd done to Zeus, her words were like pouring the hydra's acid on a cut. 

Annabeth stumbled, the spike of her high heel missing the polished gold of the piano cover, and plummeted toward the ground. Apollo just stood there, glaring coldly. Fortunately, before the floor could greet her, Malcolm caught her. The Athena kids surrounded their cabin leader.

At an invisible signal, the veteran hunters stepped forward to create a wall blocking Percy from seeing what was happening. "Stay behind us," Serena said, her eyes filmed with determination. "We know what she's done to you. We won't let anything happen."

Surprisingly, Alina grunted in agreement. Even Caroline didn't look afraid.

But Percy pushed passed them. "It's alright. I got this." He was a bit worried for Annabeth. He'd never seen her drunk—and it was turning out to paint an unflattering picture. If he didn't do anything, he was worried about what might come out of her mouth next.

"But—" Louisiana tried.

"Let me deal with it." His voice was calm, but commanding. He steeled himself as he looked across the room. "Annabeth, I'm ready to talk."

The circle of Athena campers dissolved, and there was Annabeth—leaning on Malcolm's arm for support. Her eyes locked onto Percy's as she stumbled forward with her brother. "It's about time! I was getting booored waiting for you."

Percy sighed and stepped forward. His gut swirled nervously, and he wondered if this was the right choice. "What do you want, Annabeth?"

"You. I want you back, Percy."

"We've talked about this before," Percy said through gritted teeth. "I'm good. After all you've done to me—"

"Percy, you've forgiven so many people for their mistakes. Even Luke! But you can't forgive your girlfriend? We've been together for seven years!" Annabeth began to sob.

Oh, boy, Percy thought. Here come the waterworks.

Malcolm shifted nervously, eyeing the crowd of immortals and demigods. "Annabeth, let's move somewhere else. I think you'll have more success in a private conversation."

"You've even turned my brother away from me!" Annabeth wailed loudly. If anyone hadn't attended the party, they for sure would be hurrying toward the center of Olympus after hearing that.

Malcolm turned pale. He could see Athena in the crowd, frowning disapprovingly toward him. No matter what, Annabeth was her favorite child. Getting on his mother's side was surely a death wish. He looked as if he'd regretted preventing Annabeth from denting the floor with her head.

"Percy, I love you and only you!" Annabeth continued. Real tears fell left and right, and the son of Poseidon couldn't help but be impressed. "I have apologized to you over and over again. What else can I do?"

"That's the first genuine thing that's come out of your mouth today," Percy said drily. "Why don't you tell everyone the full story, Annabeth?  I can help if you've forgotten—I'll never forget that day."

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