Chapter 52

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When Artemis grabbed him, Xavier was surprised. But then he relaxed into the kiss, placing a hand on the back of the goddess' head before pushing her into a deeper show of affection. He made sure to memorize every indentation in her soft lips before letting go, wiping the slobber that slipped out of his mouth on his sleeve. 

How do you feel that I snatched your girlfriend from right under you? Xavier smirked at Percy, who looked like a kicked puppy. The aqua sea in his eyes was shattered into a million pieces, and the hunters rushed forward, supporting him before he fell right on his face.

"Percy . . ." Alina didn't know what else to say. Her tone was tender, as if lecturing a two-year-old child after their ice-cream was taken away and they burst out crying. Except, Percy hadn't lost ice cream. 

"Why would you do this to me?" Percy asked Artemis, his voice cracking. "I loved you."

"I am merely repeating what your perfidious mind did to me months ago," Artemis shot back. "Xavier is my boyfriend. It isn't wrong for me to kiss him, right?"

Percy's heart froze. He couldn't bear it. Why was Artemis calling someone that wasn't him her boyfriend? Nine letters stabbed into his ears like nine arrows. "You are making a mistake. What has Xavier done for you?"

"He has done much for me. He gave me my hunt back."

"There's more where that came from," Xavier added, winking.

But Percy's attention was on Artemis when he said, "No, he didn't."

Artemis' laugh was filled with ice. "Then who did? You?"

Yes! The hunters screamed out in unison. But they couldn't; they could only watch as their savior was betrayed before them.

Percy hesitated, then tried a different approach. "I love you, Artemis. I really do. If you still have an ounce of feeling towards me, then I beg you to listen."

Doubt and hesitation swirled in the goddess' eyes. It couldn't hurt to hear Percy out, could it? She'd listen to his first sentence—and then strike him dead. Her hunters looked tired of the situation, and she could empathize with them. 

Then Xavier entered the discussion. "Percy indeed has some history with the hunt, Artemis—something you might want to hear. Percy, should I tell her, or you want to take over?"

Percy didn't like how Xavier smirked at him, but he kept hope in his thoughts as he waved for the son of Zeus to continue. Xavier's a jerk—but it's about time he reached his limit of deception.

Turns out, Xavier had no such limit.

"This man"—Xavier pointed an accusing finger at Percy, like a lawyer trying to strike down a criminal—"has a crooked brain! He might be mooching at you now, but try as he may, I know his secret."

"What secret?" Serena shot back. "The only criminal I see here is you. Though I'd be doing you a favor if I gave you such a gentle title."

"Serena," Artemis warned, and the daughter of Apollo reluctantly stepped back. Then she smiled at Xavier. "Please continue."

"Have you heard of a hunter named Zöe Nightshade?"

Upon hearing this, Artemis and Percy stiffened. The name hit too close to home.

"Zöe was one of your older sisters," Artemis explained when the hunters seemed to look confused. "She sacrificed herself to continue the legacy of the gods."

"She was a brave demigod who didn't hesitate to give her life for the cause of the greater good," Percy muttered softly.

Xavier heard. "Looks like you won't give up until I spell everything out, you two-faced bastard." He turned to Artemis. "My love—"

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