Chapter 54

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A/N-We're getting close to the part where I talk about my next book. Y'all have probably seen Agent Atlantis—but never fear. I'm still going to write another Percy Jackson fan fiction! This one will hopefully be more in par with the actual entries, with a quest (and maybe even a trashy prophecy :)), albeit short. Thanks for your support fam, and enjoy this chapter:)


The cold of the night would not go away. 

First, Louisiana attempted her patrols with a hurried jog—she'd get done with it faster, and warm up. But when that didn't work, she clothed herself in several layers until she felt as fat as a hippo. And when that didn't work . . . well, you get the idea.

Eventually, the daughter of Hypnos gave up. With a huff of relief, she plunked down next to the bonfire. The roaring fire did wonders for her frozen body, and Louisiana eventually returned to normal.

It'd be embarrassing if I came this far only to die of frostbite, Louisiana thought. Percy would probably march into the Underworld to kill her himself—

She sucked in a breath.

There. Without thinking, she said his name: the traitor of the hunt, Percy Jackson. The cold—it was all because of his absence. Her mind, now unrestrained, now wandered over the subject she had desperately wanted to mull over.

It's been only a few hours since then . . . 

Three hours to be exact—and the situation in Artemis' camp had morphed into something unrecognizable. After Percy had left, Xavier, Artemis, and the hunters had lunch together—their minds too preoccupied to comment on the son of Zeus' presence.

By the end of the meal, the camp had been divided.

There were the Percy haters: Caroline had fled out of the clearing, tears streaming down her face. Alina'd slammed her swords into the ground, then had stomped behind the daughter of Apate. And recently, with an icy glare, Artemis shut down Xavier every time he attempted to ridicule Percy.

And then there was Louisiana. The only one with ambivalence on her side. She didn't know what to believe. My mind is cautioning me to tread carefully . . .

She felt like she was back at Camp Half-Blood. Where her cabin's reputation had brought her down. Wherever she went, whatever she won—it didn't matter. 

"Am I angry?" she always heard as she walked away from her defeated opponents in the sparring pit. "Nah. There's no point. She'll just hibernate into oblivion anyway."

The ensuing laughter always made her feel alone. That no one perceived her as human.

Until Percy showed up in her life.

Before she realized, she'd leaped up to her feet and made her way past the dining tent. Then she weaved around Artemis' tent—she frowned, realizing that Xavier had never left for the night—through the dining tent, grabbing two steamed bread rolls on the way to the edge of the northeastern part of camp.

There lay a huge silver tent—something that dwarfed Louisiana's own dwelling. But it didn't make her jealous. Living on the perimeter meant you were the one dealing with threats first. No thanks. I'd rather be sleeping soundly in my cramped tent.

Outside, a brute of a woman sat on a tree trunk, sharpening her dagger. "Louisiana," Alina greeted, but didn't look up.

Louisiana gulped. There was a point in the past where she wouldn't have paid mind to such a crust greeting, but now was different. Every word mattered when her friendships held on by one fraying thread. "Alina. Can I tell you something?"

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