Chapter 68

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Apollo was having the time of his life. Until he wasn't.

Zeus almost never created parties like these—where almost everyone in the Greek world was present. Sure, the introductory speech was boring, and he'd probably hear a dozen more before the night commenced . . .

But he could see his children.

They were right there, through the dance floor, near the snack bar, in a huddle. Apollo loved how each of them took care of the others—something that wasn't possible to do as an immortal. The crowd shifted, and his gaze landed on a radiant girl with a silver dress.

"She's beautiful," a female said from behind Apollo as he sucked in a breath of grief. "It's a pity that her fate isn't intertwined with Percy's."

The voice was alluring—but Apollo didn't even move a muscle as Aphrodite grabbed the chair next to him, sliding a wine glass of nectar toward him.

"I wonder if she still remembers me," Apollo softly said, his gaze locked on Serena. "I still miss her mother. She was an Olympic-level archer."

Aphrodite snorted. "So you weren't flirting with that nymph a few minutes ago? What was her name—Diana?"

"It's Diama," Apollo hissed out. "Not Diana. Why in the name of my father would I be interested in someone with my sister's name?"

"Sorry." She didn't look sorry. " I can't eliminate any restrictions when it's the god of medicine I'm conversing with. Maybe I wouldn't make that mistake if you changed your behavior."

A tense silence. "Y'know," Apollo started coldly. "This is probably the most civil rapport we've had in decades. And as it persists, I have to force the urge to punch your face in."

Aphrodite's beautiful eyes were icy, and her words were curt. "I feel the same way." She grabbed Apollo's glass of nectar—which he hadn't even touched—and drank it in one gulp. "I'd love to do nothing else than grab my weapons and duel you . . . but how about we let our kids settle this one?"

Huh? Apollo's followed her gaze toward his offspring . . .

They weren't alone. Two dozen kids outfitted in the latest fashion quickly surrounded them—Aphrodite offspring. "What did you do?"

"There is no reason to overlay your suspicion on me. I would do no such thing." Her teeth were so white that it almost made Apollo jealous. "Although, there might be a rumor that Serena has a new crush. As unfounded as it is, my children are naturally very curious about others' business."

The Aphrodite kids surrounded them like vultures eyeing their prey. They were relentless, repeatedly questioning each of the overwhelmed Apollo kids and trying to read their facial expressions. Apollo's sharp eyes locked in on Serena's hands—clenched fists that looked ready to bash through anyone standing in her way.

"If you wanted a fair fight, you should've chosen the Demeter cabin," Apollo said, grinning. "I have some great warriors that would put even Ares to shame. They won't lose to your pink dresses."

"I don't think so. Or do you doubt Perseus' training that much?"

Alerted by her words, Apollo spun around and looked closer. While at first glance, her children seemed like they were talking their heads off, they weren't fully preoccupied by that. Some Aphrodite kids casually had their hands close to their siblings' shirts—a normal stance, but Apollo's foresight warned him they were ready to pull their brothers and sisters out of harm's way at an instance. The ones at the pinnacle of the encounter were standing slightly sideways, with their weight offset backward—like they were about to dodge a punch.

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