Late Again?

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Gosh, now was a time where I wished I lived near school!!
I've been running for what seemed like hours, I see the school a few blocks away but god damn I'm tired, I begin to slow down making my breath speed up a little. Today isn't a sunny day- it's cloudy and supposedly 'cold' but I've dealt with worse in Norway, though it is pretty here, I like the rainy days.

And it's June, the weather is getting warmer. It's only somewhat cold since it rained last night.

Anyway I got to the front steps of the school, where some kids are outside with their friends, on their phones or smoking and seemingly trying to hide it, though the light grey and ashy colour of the smoke that leaves their mouth isn't helping them. I go to the front two doors and open them slightly to check for people roaming the halls, there aren't many kids out to my surprise- I mean obviously there aren't. But those who are either have a pass or are skippers.

I was a bit upset since I didn't get to say 'good morning' to my friends or even say 'hey' or see them, guess I'll have to wait 'til lunch. Well I do have most periods with my friends, and others with some... strange people.. though I don't mind, who am I to judge?

I go to the office, I need to get a pass so I can show my it to my History teacher, that way he'll excuse my absence and let me in, I wish I didn't have History right now though- let's just say the teacher isn't too keen on kids who are late. At least I'm in my last year of secondary school, I literally can't wait for this to be over.

For those who don't know, secondary school is full of people from ages 11-16 and Year 7- Year 11. I'm in Year 11- duh. And when I'm out of here I'm gonna live in a house with Ell, Matilda and Tamara! It's going to be fun, we're gonna be inseparable and we're going to go on adventures, well that's what I hope.

I get into the crusty old office where the ladies at the desk are doing-- something? There are also a few kids in here, they're just sitting down though. I hear faint talking from the principals office, but I decide not to care."Late again Ms.Lenn?" One of the ladies says to me, she has red-orange hair and pretty glasses. "Yeah, so? Anyways I need a pass for History with Mr.Kerptis" I say putting my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket. "Mr.Kerptis eh? You're gonna be in some trouble young lady, and watch it with the attitude" another lady says to me, she has a name tag though, reading "Olive"..

God if I could insult her right here and now I would! Think of the jokes- there aren't many but like imagine! Olive garden? That you? Haha- no offense to anyone named Olive though-- and besides it's not even insulting, I just have bad humour.

"Yeah, yeah, well he just can't stand my awesomeness in his class- that's why he sends me here almost all the time" I smirk and look towards the lady with the orange hair, giving me a pass. "Mhm sure, anyways have a nice day Tori" The orange haired lady says as I grab the pass with my index and middle finger.

"Yup. I'll keep that in mind" I say smiling and going outside of the office "have a nice day too!" I say waving, I see the 3 ladies wave at me and I smile. Ugh now to History we go.. yay

I go upstairs to classroom 11-2C, my demise.. I knock three times on the wooden door and a minute later Mr.Kerptis answers it. "Hm.. Ms.Lenn, fancy seeing you here eh?" He says with a frown and a tint of sarcasm in his tone. "Heh yeah well here's your pass so.. can I go in?" I ask him giving the man an awkward smile as he reads the pass and rips it and throws it into the trash can next to his door- inside the room obviously. "Alright, please don't cause any more distractions Ms.Lenn" he says opening the door so not only his face can be seen.

Everyone stares at me as I walk in the room, I look around and stick my tounge out at them, so nosy.

Then I see Ell with a disappointed face, well what I could see looked disappointed, since her hair covers her eyes but her unamused frown still shows. I wave at her and she smiles and waves back. "Take a seat Tori" Mr.Kerptis says as he goes to the front of the room to continue his boring lecture.

I mean History isn't that bad, it just bores the hell out of me sometimes, but other times History can be fun. I take a seat next to Ell- getting my things out and then putting my backpack on the back of my chair. I try listening to the thing Mr.Kerptis is trying to teach but I feel braindead, my eyes keep looking at the clock as a few minutes fly by.

Then Ell nudges my left arm, I turn to her and she whispers something "Why are you always late to History? I can't belive you are getting away with it, you're always rude to Mr.Kerptis too, makes me feel bad for him.." She whispers still facing the teacher.

Oh and FYI we are in the middle of the room, and everyone is either listening to the lecture, talking or even sleeping. But anyways I say "Well I don't know, and I'm not always late!" I whisper back, maybe a bit too loud 'cause then.. "Ms.Lenn!" I flinch upward- fixing my hunched posture. "Have anything to say to the class?" He says as he narrows his eyes. "Uhhh no because it's my business not theirs! a-duhh" I say putting my hands behind my head with a smirk on my face.

Ell does a face palm and sighs. "Wh- Principles office- NOW! Im done dealing with late and disrespectful students.." He says pointing to the door with his right hand and pinching the bridge of his nose with his left. I put my things in my backpack and swing it over my shoulder. "Bye losers!" I say walking to the door, room filled to the brim with the aura of tired and exhausted people. I leave the room with a loud slam from the door- jeez that door is loud.. and I slowly walk to the office.

What a good start to a Friday am I right?

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