Cliché plot

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Well it's fine, I hope I have whatever that dream was again though.. anyways about this small situation.. I can't really do much, it will all just end up in her being upset with me. Gosh- why couldn't she just ask someone else for help?!

Well if I ask before her-- before Ell, it won't matter when she finds out right? She wouldn't care, I mean we are friends, best buddies! We wouldn't fight over a girl, that's idiotic. And it's good that prom isnt just around the corner- thank whoever. It's on the 23rd of July, on Friday.

Hmm I have an odd feeling, maybe 'cause prom is on a Friday and we know how good I am when it comes to Fridays. Well today it's the... umm- I swipe down on the screen of my phone to check the date. Today's the 18th of June. So what, I have about 5 weeks left 'til prom? I think that's enough time to ask Tamara out. But I need to do it before Ell, and wouldn't she think I'm being weird by asking her "Oh hey Ell, just asking as a best bud, but what day are you going to ask Tamara to prom? Just curious so I can help my best friend!"

Yeah, no- even if I phrased it better than that whacky sentence, it would still be a weird thing to ask- or maybe not weird but strange, just imagine that happened to you or something. I'd be skeptical if that happened to me. Or maybe this is just me thinking too much about something that hasn't happened yet.

I do that alot. It's so annoying 'cause then you stress out over the thoughts of something that might never happen.
Like I never thought this would happen, but if I did then I'd think I'm a psychic or something. I just don't want to hurt Ell... maybe I can build a memory eraser gun so she'll forget she has a crush on anyone and I can spare both of our pain? That's dumb though- Matilda would laugh at me and my stupidity.

Wait- maybe she can help me? I mean we get along awfully well. I don't know why, it's weird actually- people think she's this dumb, narcissistic, idiot but she's actually the opposite of that.. well I mean she's still all those things but she's also way more. It makes me mad when some teen who doesn't take time to know her pokes fun because of what they think she is.

It's made her really insecure and sensitive about what people say or think about her- that's why she gets taken away from reality to check up on her looks. She's told me so many things, it's heart breaking. But maybe she could help me this once? I don't want to make her feel like she owes me though-!

Yeah, screw that idea. I gotta do this myself, I'm not like before. I used to be afraid of everything, I was too good for people and I know it. And if I want to take over the world then I need to atleast have the courage to ask out my crush!... wait where did the thought of taking over the world come from? I'm sure it's just my mind rambling onto an imaginary world.

Yeah. It's nothing important..

I put my phone on the night stand, where it always is. I get off my bed and step on the dirty clothes laying on the floor. 'Oh yeah I have to clean..' I guess I might aswell get this over with so I won't have to do it later, 'cause later I won't want to do anything.

My room really isn't that messy, it just has some loose clothes on the floor, old papers, I have some of my shoes scattered around here too, plush toys that I threw on the floor while having a tantrum, old school books, overdue assignments, dolls I don't play with, and magazines about-- umm nothing in general...heh.. anyways I guess I could clean this up before lunch time.

I'm not really hungry though, I don't usually eat school lunch- in my opinion it's not that good. Not at all, maybe I'm being picky since most kids eat it like it's the best thing in the world. And I guess not eating at school affects me at home, though during weekends or small week breaks I'm basically forced to eat all meals, I don't really care. It's just weird sometimes.

'I wonder what time it is' I look at my alarm. It showed 12:55 with green lights. What period would it be right now?
I stand there, thinking of when each period ends and starts. 'Wow, it's lunch time right now' so I guess it would just be Ell and Matilda sitting at our usual table. I'm sure they're fine though.

I begin to clean my room, starting with putting all my dirty clothes into a hamper. It felt like forever, and I still had a miles way to go before my mums think it's good enough. I get bored after I'm done with my clothes and getting scattered papers and parts of machinery into the trash or a drawer- the drawer is filled with things I've tried to build but never had all the parts to finish.

It made me felt empty, I never got to finish those and it made me upset.
After a while of continuous cleaning I got called down for lunch. "Coming" I said greatfully, 'cause now I had a break from cleaning my messy room, I mean.. it wasn't that bad..

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