Fire Cracker

39 1 1

Translations at the end of the chapter!!

"So, umm.. guess it's just us two now, alone here.." I say awkwardly, tapping my fingers on my thighs as I look around the room- trying not to look at Tamara.

"Yeah I guess, I can't belive I'm gonna be suspended though- it's so dumb!" She talks about her suspension so I guess she's still not over it, I don't know how to respond.. uhh. "Yeah, well, what you get for beating people up" I reply jokingly and chuckle after my sentence.

"Oh, ha-ha, she had it coming though so I can't say I feel bad for her" I wonder how badly she beat Lillie up, Tamara only has some red scratches on her face and arms with a purple-ish red 'black eye'. How come I didn't hear this whole fight happen?

"Did you win atleast? Bet ya' didn't" I tease her and chuckle while leaning in close to her and poking her shoulder with my right index finger. "Well I'm not the one with the nurce so what do you think? Also don't you dare underestimate me Tori, bet that even if you had a giant robot I'd be able to beat you" she says turning to me and shooing away my hand from her shoulder.

I back away and laugh a bit, "How would you beat me if I had a giant robot huh?!" I say laughing a bit more as she turns a bit red from anger and she scoffs at me, "Easy- but I won't tell you 'cause then you'll know my plan" she says looking toward the principals desk infront of us and crosses her arms. Wow, she's trying to ignore me "Mhm sure, Tammy" I say also looking forward and putting my hands behind my head.

"Don't call me that, commie" she says back, still looking forwards. "Alright, jehovas witness" I say chuckling. "God I regret letting you be the one to help me with homework" she lets out an annoyed sigh. I don't mean to annoy her but I just like teasing her and besides she likes teasing me too, maybe even more than I do.

"What? You'd prefer Matilda?" She knows that Matilda would help her a bit but then she'd get lost in her looks. Always happens. "Hah, hell no, I don't hate her but if it were to just be me and her well, that'd suck" she laughs, I love that laugh. "So Ell?" I ask her "Yup, she's the least annoying from you three" she responds, wow- rude much? "Well that's too bad since you're stuck with me Tammy" I say smiling, now crossing my legs as I lift them to Mr. Bossy ass's desk.

The room goes quiet for a bit. "Whatev-" then as she was about to finish her sentence there was a knock on the door, we both looked back to then see it opened a while later. "Tamara guardians are here to pick you up, aswell as your mums Tori" the lady named Kim says. "Oh..okay" I say putting my legs down and getting up from my seat then I pick up my backpack from the floor. "About time" Tamara says while she also grabs her backpack from the floor.

"Impatient much Tammy?" I chuckle. "Shut it, commie" she says while shooting daggers at me with her black 'eyes'. I roll my eyes at her, since I actually have some--and put my backpack over my right shoulder then I walked to the door. She puts her backpack on aswell. I was waiting for her at the door of the principals office. "You got everything?" I ask her. "Yeah.. why'd you wait for me?" She asks while walking towards me. "Hm? Can't I wait for my friend?" I ask her smirking. "I- let's just go" she says pushing me a bit as she goes out the door before me.

I see my mums in the office, they have unamused faces as they look at me. Then I turn to Tamara, I see her walking outside the office to her guardians, they begin to talk to her, they seem a bit familiar but their faces look different from the people I think they'd be. I focus on them while my mums are talking to me, Tamara's face looks upset and disappointed- ashamed? It's not a normal look on her face. Her guardians look.. mad? I mean obviously they'd be mad since she got into a fight, but didn't she say she was defending someone?

What are they telling her? "Tori are you listening?!" "Yes Paula- I mean mum" I turn a bit red at my mistake, I don't like calling my parents by their real names, I mean even if they aren't my real parents it just feels weird. Mum sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Okay, well then, what did I just say?" She asks looking at me. I looks at her face and my eye twitches a bit. "Uhh... I'm the best kid ever? I dunno- heh" I look down at my feet. "Let's just go home now alright?" Ma says, mum sighs "Ok, jeg beklager Tori.. la oss gå nå" she says and I nod. I don't know why she said sorry, she didn't do anything wrong but whatever "det er greit mamma" I reply to her.

My mums talk to me again, but my hearing was fuzzy, I looked as Tamara's guardians from the corner of my eye, they took her out of the school, going home I guess. She looked weird though... "Got everything Tori?" Mum asks me, I look at her, "Um, yeah.."

We get out of the school, onto the front of the building's stairs while mum gets out the car keys from a pocket of her dark blue pants, she clicks a button and a grey car infront of the school flashes it's headlights. We go towards the car, I go into the backseat and put on my seat belt. My mums get into the car, mum puts the key in the keyhole and turn it, she clicks a button and the car starts.

I take off my backpack and reach into it for my phone but I couldn't find it, I guess I left it at home. I need to text Tamara to check if her paren- guardians!-...if her guardians will let me come over. I mean they should, right?

But then again I could always ask her on Monday since I don't have her homework, and I'm on my way home too. Maybe the principal shouldn't have sent me home today... I put my elbow on the car door. The part that sticks out with a button to lower and lift the window- yeah that part.
I put my chin on the palm of my hand and stare at the scenery passing by to the point it almost looks like a blur, like watercolours.

I remember four years ago, when I moved here. I was so afraid of, well everything. I was new here, I didn't know why my mums wanted to move here of all places at the time, but I'm kind of glad they got a mission here. I remember being so scared to talk in English in fear of being made fun of for my accent since back then I was so new to English and it was very noticeable. Over the time my accent got less noticeable which I'm thankful for- bitches are rude and I was weak back then..

I'm great full for my friends, they were there for me at one of my roughest times, mostly Ell. I don't know what I'd be without them, maybe just a lonely freak? I'm scared to lose them one day, would it be my fault?
Would they forgive me if I did something terrible?

"Tori, er du ok?" Ma says to me, "Honey, English remember? We need more-- uhh practice on it" mum says to ma. "Nobody is here, we're fine Paula" ma says in defence. "samme det" mum says and it made me chuckle a bit, I don't know why.

"Yes ma, I'm fine" I reply to her a bit late. "Hmm, ok, bare forsikre deg" she says probly wondering if I'm lying or not, truth is I don't know right now. But I'm still tired from waking up early, that's for sure.


Ok, jeg beklager Tori.. la oss gå nå - Ok, I'm sorry Tori.. let's go now

det er greit mamma - it's okay mum/mom

Tori, er du ok? - Tori, are you ok?

samme det - whatever

Hmm, ok, bare forsikre deg - Hmm, ok, just making sure

These translations are from Google so if you're a native Norwegian speaker and these translations are wrong please tell me! :D

Anyways bye :D

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