Her and I

28 2 4

I sat up on my bed and grabbed my phone from the night stand, I needed to check the texts Ell sent me before I went to sleep.

ColaFreak : I mean it's fine, I don't really have experience lol
I just asked u since you've had like 6 bfs

ColaFreak : Hopefully they weren't bad people

ColaFreak : anyways I gtg, text me back when u see this :D byee

It's like– 7:58 AM right now, responding wouldn't hurt so why not.

Honestly they sucked dick, but I could still try n help

'She probably won't answer me right away, why am I agreeing to help her again?–' I thought

ColaFreak : Aww that sucks :/ but thanks for still helping. Also about going to ur house, I'd love to visit!!
It's honestly kinda boring here and I think my parents will let me stay, like a sleep over! If that's ok with u :)

A sleep over? I've never had one.. I'd prefer to stay at someone else's home than other people sleeping here.

I don't even know what to do in one.
Just say no to it then
I mean it wouldn't hurt her.

I don't really think Matilda or Tamara will be able to stay all nigh so maybe not a sleep over, just come over at 5 and leave at 8 or 9. We could watch the new movie if you want to

If I couldn't watch the movie with my parents, then watching it with them would be enough.

They're like my second family.

ColaFreak : Ok :) and the insane zombie pirates from hell movie? I haven't watched it so yeah that'd be fun (⁠「⁠'⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「

I smile, she's sweet– how would anyone be able to hate her? She's kind, strong, creative, funny- she's everything.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tamara liked her back..

I'd just make a fool out of myself for even trying to ask her out. I'm not the best person, and I say stupid things around her– she probably thinks I'm a joke.

Yeah, that one
So I guess we just wait until Tam and Matty tell us if they're able to come over or not.

It's fine though, she's just my silly little crush. Like, what are the chances she likes me back? Probably zero.

It will pass, I can't keep falling in love with her black eyes, her brown hair that just looks so soft, her pretty smile, the way she teases me and gets mad, the way she writes and moves her body, how she talks to me, it's so cute, so.. perfect – but I can't..!

Atleast not out loud...

ColaFreak : yeah I guess so, well I need to eat breakfast so yeah- bye 😔
Make sure to eat breakfast Tori 😤

She's like an over protective mom, I think it's sweet.

Yeah, okay

I don't have much to say, but I do have lots to think about. Should I just tell Ell that I like Tamara too? She'd probably understand.

Don't over think this, it will all be fine. It's just scary thinking about it, but you'll see, it will be fine Tori..

I put on my purple slippers, I get out of my somewhat cleaned room and go downstairs to 'make' breakfast.

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