Friendly Circle

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This chapter includes some Elltam so if u don't like it you don't have to read it but this chapter is important to some of the plot!! also I think Elltam is kinda cute >//< but don't worry still a toritam book ofc <3

When Tamara arrived at Tori's house, she felt that thing again.. her heart began to quicken, she felt nervous. Even though she knew Ell and Matilda would be there with her and Tori, it still made her nervous.

She was infront of the door to the two story house. She looked at it, 'Just knock, idiot' she thought to herself. Eventually, she did knock on the door. "Coming!" Someone from in the house screamed.

While Tamara waited for that person to open the door, she noticed a doorbell next to where she knocked. Tamara felt a bit embarrassed because she didn't use that instead of knocking. After a short while, Tori opened the door for Tamara. Ell and Matilda could be seen in the living room sitting on the floor.

"Hi, guess I'm late, huh?" Tamara said peeking over Tori's shoulder to look at her friends. "Yeah, but it's still not 5 so you're fine, I guess" Tori said letting Tamara walk into the house. "Hi Tamara" Ell said, Matilda was painting her nails a nice shade of green. "Hi Tams" Matilda said not looking away from her 'patient's' nails.

"So what are we gonna do?" Tamara said turning back to look at Tori. "We're gonna watch a movie, duh" Tori says. "And we're gonna eat so many snacks and play games, right Ell?" The ginger girl asked her best friend. "Mhm, but games later, movie first" Ell responded smiling.

"Well that's better than being at home all day, and Tori, your house is fucking cold" Tamara said rubbing her arms up and down for warmth. "Really? I think it's nice in here" Ell says looking at Tamara with a weird glare, though nobody could tell because of the hair covering her eyes.

"Done!" Matilda said putting her nailpolish in a yellow purse she had. "They look good" Tori said grabbing the remote and turning on the TV (or tele, like how some ppl say it). "Well of course they do, I did them after all!" Matilda said putting her hand over her chest as if she were to be admired.

"That's true" Ell snickered. "Wait, what movie are we watching?" Tamara asked all of a sudden. "The new one" Tori says sitting down on the couch and patting a spot next to her, signaling for Tamara to sit there. Which she did, nervously and hesitantly.

"Aren't we going to make popcorn though?" Matilda asked getting up from the rug the was sitting on. "Oh shit, you're right- forgot, sorry" Tori said getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen, I wonder what she was so busy with that she forgot about popcorn.

"You guys got here early" Tamara said to Ell and Matilda when Tori was no longer in the room.

"My mom brought me, and Matilda rode her bike" Ell said blatantly. "Yeah I did, it's the one I got for my birthday last year... I'm gonna go help Tori make popcorn for all of us" Matilda says walking into the kitchen, patting the heads of her friends as she passed them.

"Her bike? I didn't see it outside" Tamara says kicking her legs from the edge of the couch. "Maybe she hid it?" Ell said getting up from the floor and sitting next to Tamara, taking Tori's spot. "Where were you yesterday?" Ell asks worried, referring to Tamara's suspension that she knew nothing of.

"Oh, I got suspended because of a fight"

"You got in a fight!? Is that what the scratches are? Who was it!!?" Ell screamed, but it was not loud enough to be heard by the neighbors. "Jeez Ell, I'm fine and it was Lillie- I don't need you to worry" Tamara said patting Ell's back to reassure her friend that she was really okay, I mean she's a year 11- and she isn't a bad fighter either.

Red Mess 【ToriTam】Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora