Why Are You Here?

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This chapter includes some toritam I think ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ anyways try to enjoy <3

I'm in front of the office now- I hope they don't call my mums or I'll surely be killed..
I walk into the office and the lady named Olive looks at me then she looks at the lady with orange hair then back. "What happened this time Tori?" The lady with orange hair asked sounding tired. Gosh I really need to ask her name.

"Uhh well like I said, I'm too cool for school.. and maybe Mr.Kerptis got mad" I put my hands in my pockets- raising my shoulders a bit. "Oh and by the way, I never asked your name" I say pointing my right hand to the orange haired lady. "Kim" she says simply

"So is the principal here or nah? If not can I walk the halls?" I say smiling a bit. "He's here alright, and lucky for you he has company in there so you aren't gonna be the only one that's gotta deal with some yelling" Kim says chuckling a bit afterwards and ending it with a sigh as she types away on her computer. I wonder who got in trouble. "Ah okay- guess imma go now..?" I say walking to the right of the office, to a door that reads 'Principal' on a golden colored plate.

I could hear faint talking from the outside of the door. But it stopped when I knocked on it three times, manners matter y'know? I heard a faint 'come in' so I took a deep breath and grabbed the door knob, twisting it to the left. I guess I really am being let in his office while he's with someone else.

I open the door to see Tamara in the office with the principal. What did she do this time..? They both look me, the principal looks tired and disappointed while Tammy smiles and waves at me. I could feel my stomach fill with butterflies and my face go a bit red- my heartbeat speeding up a bit-- well okay maybe a decent amount. I give her a crooked smile and wave back while stepping into the principals office and closing the door behind me. Gosh, she makes me feel so weird..

"Tori- seriously? Again? You've been in my office this whole week! What's going on?" The principal says to me as I sit down on a chair infront of his desk, putting my backpack to the left of me. "Uhh well what can I say? Im like a boring class, seems like it'll never end" I smirk at him then put my hands behind my head-- leaning on the chair and putting my boots on his desk. Tamara giggles a bit but then caughs as if to cover it up.

I try acting 'cool' in front of her, she laughs so maybe she likes it? That or she thinks I'm an absolute idiot. It's fine though, I love her laugh. But Mr.Bossy ass looks at me and narrows his eyes while tilting his head, then says "Tori put your feet down please, I'll need to call your parents for this y'know?" he says then proceeds to release a heavy sigh.

I immediately put my legs down from his dark wooden desk and lean forward, with my hands tight on the sides of the wooden chair im sitting on. "WHAT!!? SHE'S-- THEY-- THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME!!" I yelled it loudly so maybe he'd take the hint that my mums are gonna be merciless towards me if they hear ANYTHING BAD from Mr.Big beard. I noticed how my accent thickened when I yelled. I didn't really like it.

"Tori quiet down! I've got no other choice, you've been here all week and your mums know how to take care of you... and make sure to sleep more, you look tired" he says it like it's so hard to just not call them. Tamara giggles more, that girl can be so rude sometimes. "And Tamara, your guardians will be called too"

Then all of a sudden she stops giggling and her eyes go white in shock, I've never seen that happen. "W-what? Why mine? I didn't do anything wrong- it was all Lillie's fault! If she didn't say anything then maybe she'd be less ugly and not in the nurces office right now!" She said raising her hands up in defence, her british accent becoming slightly more noticeable with her yelling. "Wait you beat Lillie up?" I ask sounding surprised.

"Tori that isn't any of your concern, and Tamara you know better than to do what you did" the principal says giving both of us glances as he talked to each of us. I see Tamara sink into her chair, with her shoulders raising up as if to cover her beautiful face and sigh. "Well she was saying things about... she was being rude and I wasn't gonna let her get away with it, I had to do something, im tired of just being there..." Tammy says looking at the floor now and fidgeting with her thumbs; undoing her curled up posture making her face visible. "Well I still can't let you do that to people Tamara, and you'll have to be suspended for 3 days.." the principal says writing something down on a sheet of paper.

"Oop-" I say and look to my left, facing a white and boring wall which is the opposite direction from her. "Oh shut up" she says to me. "No fighting girls" the principal sighs.
Then after a while of silence and the quiet scribbles of pen on paper from the principal, he proceeds to call my mums and then Tamara's guardians. I wonder who they are- I know her parents died when she was young, I think she was like 6 or something.. But she's never talked about who takes care of her. It makes me curious. Is it one person? Two? Do they treat her well? Is she in foster care? Is she adopted? She kept those types of things secret

Which led to me having many questions.

After the principal is done calling the mysterious guardians he says "Tamara they're going to be here in a bit to pick you up alright? Same for you Tori" when he said that last part I almost spun my head in a 360 and jumped out of my seat. "Wait why are my parents coming here?" I asked looking at him in the eyes, 'cuz I was nervous of what I would have to do when I got home-- CHORES!! God I'd rather be in class.

"Well since you've been here this whole week, I've decided you need a bit of a break. So they're coming here to get you out- don't worry, you aren't In any trouble but you will have to finish late homework you will miss today, if you have any homework due today I'll have it excused" he laughs dryly. I sigh in relief. "You on the other hand.." he says looking at Tamara. She looks up at him and I turn to look at her, then him, then her- "As I said you will be suspended for 3 days, starting on Monday. So you won't be back until Thursday, understood? And we will need you to do your homework while you're suspended, do you know anyone who can bring it to your home from here? Or can your guardians do it?"

As she opened her mouth to reply I said "I can do it! And um I can help her with the homework too, since we have the same classes- it's just a different period for some but I can still help her!" I say proudly. Then I realized what I got myself into, I'll be going to Tamara's home and I'll be in her room helping her with homework? And we'll be alone in her room? On a bed perhaps? ALONE!?!!? My face turned red and I looked at my feet lowering my head.

What kind of cliché fanfic am I living in?

"That sounds nice actually..." I hear Tamara say. I lift my head and look at her, my face still a bit red and my mouth open a bit in surprise from her answer. She looks at me for a bit as her face turns red, she turns to the right; away from me to face a boring white wall as she crosses her arms "I mean sure- whatever I guess..." she says in a loud whisper.

"Great. Now you can just stay here 'til they come to pick you up okay? And Tori you'll be free to go once the bell rings alright- that is if your parents come after the bell rings... And please no more trouble, you'll be called back into the front office once your mums arrive" He says letting out a releaved sigh and closing his eyes as he leans into his big poofy red and black chair with his fingertips on his dark wooden desk- pushing himself back.

"O-okay" I say looking at my lap, I begin to play with my thumbs as I think of how I'm going to Tammy's house. I'm so nervous.. but I'm also exited? I need to chill.. I feel so weird though- I feel my face heat up again, and it was starting to cool down and be normal!! Well so long to not looking like a tomato.

"Okay, sure" Tamara says right after me. Then the principal's walkie-talkie exposes someone's voice saying "Does anyone know where Mr.Issaias is? Needed in room 9-4A please" then it cuts out. The principal groans and gets his walkie-talkie "On my way" he says and stands up from his chair. "I'll be back alright? If your guardians come Tamara you're able to leave, same for you Tori"
Tamara just nods, then he leaves. So now it's just me and her in the office.

do u guys like these 'long' chapters or do u want shorter ones? Cuz honestly I like doing long ones but I feel like some ppl hate it-- idk. Tell me what u think :)

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