Watch Her Closely

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Tori went up to her room, with Ell and Tamara following close behind.
Tori could hear the girls behind her talking, she didn't care enough to listen though. Her head was hurting again and she didn't want to take more pills- it hasn't even been an hour since she took the other one.

She walked into her room. "Your room is cold" Tamara said walking into the room aswell. "You're being over dramatic, Tam" Tori says sitting down on her bed. "Well, it is colder than downstairs" Ell defends, looking around her friends room. It seemed tidy, which was nice. Ell didn't like messes, it annoyed her and made her stress out though she didn't know why.

"So, do you have like- board games or something? And could you please turn off the air"
"Why're you so cold?" Tori says standing from her bed and walking to Tamara to touch her hand, just to check how cold she was- and she was ice cold. It was concerning. "I don't know, I'm always cold" The black eyed girl says, she liked how warm Tori's hands were. It was comforting. Ell walked over to the air conditioner and turned it off "There, problem solved- hopefully"

After some time of useless talk, they finally decided to pick a game to play- "I have a Nintendo if you guys want to play on that" Tori suggested, not having much to give. "Sure" Ell says "I'm an expert gamer" Ell takes a controller from on the floor, "Do you have drinks?" Tamara asks, "Duh, want water?" "Sure"

Tori's 1st POV:

I walk out of my room, go down the stairs slowly. I mean Tamara could wait to drink something. I arrive downstairs and walk towards the kitchen. This is weird, and I don't know what I mean by that since every part of me feels like dying right now. This dumb headache won't go away.

I open the fridge, the light in there turns on and I grab a water bottle. It was cold in my hands, kinda like Tamara. I don't know how someone could be that cold but atleast it's not me.

Ell and Tamara are alone in your room Tori, they could be doing something without you knowing..

I get a punding feeling in my head

"Faen" ("Fuck") I whisper through clenched teeth, I hold my head with both my hands, dropping the water. I don't care. It hurts so bad, I need to get this checked..

~ time skip ~

I sit on my bed, watching Ell and Tamara play Mario Kart, on the floor next to eachother. I watch, closely. I don't like what's going on, and it has to do something with Ell and Tamara. But that sounds dumb, God, Tori. Be logical for once.


So like this chapter is REALLY short😦😟😱😱😨😭😳💀


but nothing is rlly going on so it's fine I guess and we need this story ACTUALLY GOING SOMEWHERE!!!&÷&×?

So the next chapter will be a small time skip to Monday. All you need to know about the weekend and the rest of the girls hanging out will be summarized in a paragraph or two.

So yeah! Can't wait for that!
Speaking of waiting, I CAN wait for tomorrow because I have a presentation to do in my 2nd period n I REALLY don't wanna do it cuz I'm embarrassing and shy😉 and I'm bad at talking in Spanish- MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!! AND SOMEHOW IM BETTER AT ENGLISH??!?!?!

Well, anyways-! It's September, crazy huh? Like wtf this year is almost over? And my birthday is next month! Woo!

Also who's ready for the FNAF movie next month? Lol I can't wait for it

*AHEM* God I'm really spiraling, anyways next chapter might come out in a month.... or 2 weeks I'm SO SORRY
Maybe it'll come out sooner!

Well, whenever it comes out, I hope that you guys will be there to enjoy it! And well I guess that's time! Byee!! Have a good day/night <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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