What do we have here?

51 2 3

Translations at the end of the chapter! :)

Small reminder! Mum = Paula/Pau
Ma = Patricia/Pat

And idk if some people reading this know but when I type ''mums'' without the 's I mean both of Tori's parents and when I say ''mum's'' I mean Paula/her thing(s), just incase cuz I don't want ppl confused :3

When we arrive home- mum parks her car in the drive through, the cold air from the a.c stops the moment she takes out the car keys from the key hole, I stop staring at my surroundings through the window, it makes me feel so small. I get my backpack which was on the seat right next to me and kinda leaning on my thigh or just the seat in the middle, same thing. "Tori, do you have.. uh lekser igjen å gjøre?" ma asks me. "Um no" I reply putting my backpack over my left shoulder, opening the car door and stepping outside and onto the cement. My mums do the same, I look at her with a face that if could talk for itself would say 'Of course I don't! I didn't even go to class!' But obviously I wouldn't say that to my parents.

"Vel da, siden du ikke vil være opptatt med lekser, kan du rydde rommet ditt? Det er VELDIG rotete Tori.." she wants me to clean my room right now?! "Uhh sure, but later?" I kind of ask her since I don't want to make her mad by straight up saying no. "Fine, you can do it later" she says with a small but noticeable sigh. I turn away from them, looking at the front door to the place that I've been calling home for a few years. I walk towards the door, "Tori, catch!" Mum says to me, I turn back to see her throwing the front door keys at me.

I jump a little and catch them with my right hand. "Hey, I got it!" I say and smile at my mums. "Well duh, you're our daughter after all" Pau- I mean mum says. That's the second time today! I guess I have my brain backwards, or sideways? Since I didn't really say it. I hum in response and look at the keys in my hand "yeah" I smile and look at my two loving mothers. I turn back to the front door and unlock it. The fresh air and scent of a rainy day fills my lungs as I step into the house. A breath of relief, I could relax now.

"I'm going to take a nap, but I'll clean my room later, I swear" I say looking at my mums. "You better" ma says "Or we'll have to give extra chores" mum chuckles out. "W- hey! That's not fair, how does that even work!" I say not really understanding she was joking at the moment. Mum laughs a bit and pulls me in close to rub her hand on my hair, MESSING IT UP AGAIN!! "Ah- I'm just joking" she says still laughing and ma chuckles back a bit. "Mum my hair!" I say looking at the hand on my head with my face flushed red in embarrassment and a bit of anger.

"Hm, okay now go take your nap, honestly one doesn't sound so bad right now" she says stretching her arms in the air and yawning a bit. "You can say that again" ma says rolling her eyes in a sarcastic manner and yawning a bit herself. "Yeah, also I wanted to ask if... I uhh... if I could invite Ell and the rest of my friends over? I-it can be tomorrow or something.." I say looking at the floor, I think my face went it a bit more red, I haven't had friends over at my place since I left Norway and I was a bit afraid since my mums are a bit.. embarrassing to say the least. But also what if she is allowed to come here? I mean that's why I'm asking, so she can be here..not that her being in my home is much different from being with her at school.

Just because I invite her to my home doesn't mean I have other intentions, I mean- gosh I hope not. I would probably make it awkward. But that isn't really my main concern, what if I give off a hint that I like her? Or maybe they read my diary when I'm in the bathroom or something? That would be so embarrassing!! But then again I don't think they'd do that so really my main worry is being embarrassed by my parents.

"Sure why not? But you have to clean your room up before you invite them" Mum says to me, smiling and scratching the back of her neck as she looks at ma as if asking for confirmation. "Hmm, I don't.. yes you can" she ends up blurting out a yes, maybe she tried to say something but ended up not knowing the words to what she wanted to say? Mum is better at English than ma, so it wouldn't be so confusing as to why she changed mid sentence.

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