The invitation.

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JOEY BELIEVED he had a shot at defeating this evil for good. But he had been so terribly wrong, the dinner parties ending in chaos and the lives stolen from joey's friends had seemed to have been worth it.
But this nightmare was only beginning, Joey was murdered by an evil sorceress, and his soul had ascended to the world in-between.

So where did he truly end up? Fog surrounding him and a dazed glow fighting through the misty night air.
Ahed of him lay a church, old and tired it stood eerily alone. As Joey approached he noticed an asian man and a blonde woman seemingly guarding the door to the church. "I have a way for you to get back" the woman spoke. "but your friends will need to die" the blonde explained. Joey silently agreed, sealing the contract with blood, binding himself to the town and the devastation that was sure to follow.

"This contract binds you to Everlock, save the town and you will return to the living. Fail, and you shall be lost among the dead..forever" The woman promised.

This time there was no simple dinner party.
But a responsibility to save a town, stuck in time, sacrificing his friends along the way.

"AND THAT, is how we broke up" Madeline explained, talking to her less than average height friend, Rosanna Pansino and her taller guy friend Matthew Patrick on FaceTime. "I just don't understand!" Rosanna complained "you seemed so right for each other!" Madeline chuckled as she placed her perfume back on the counter,"we hadn't been perfect for a while Ro! we broke up a few weeks ago now and i don't think i've been this happy since before we met!" Mat seemed to hum in agreement yet neither of the two girls chose to question it, if mat wanted to say something they knew he would.

The three spoke for a while longer until Madeline heard her doorbell go. "hey guys, my doorbell just rang, i'll be right back." she announced. "Okay, we'll wait." Mat replied.

"A letter for a Madeline Edwards?" The guy at the door asked. "That's me, thank you" Madeline smiled, thanking the man again as she closed and re-locked her door. "Joey? Oh god i don't even remember the last time we spoke." Madeline mumbled, opening the letter as she troped back upstairs.

"Hey you guys, i just received a letter from Joey Graceffa. You guys get one?" Madeline asked her friends. "Oh i got one earlier! i was meaning to ask about that!" Rosanna answered. "Oh yeah i did too, some sort of collab I'm assuming? Joey is one for dramatics" Mat replied.

Madeline hummed a quiet goodbye as the three ended the phone call, set on finding outfits suitable for the role they'd been assigned, not before reading over the letter once more in attempt to understand it.

And it seemed those three were not the only to receive these messages.

Nakita Dragun was only next in a line of youtubers yet to receive a letter.

"Bitch where is my burger? I did not order this." Nakita quipped in confusion, looking the mailman up and down only to receive a questioning look from the man.

"My friends, i'm going on an extraordinary adventure and i'm in need of your help, and so are hundreds of others." Manny Mua read aloud. "Oh Bitch. what?"

"This is not an invitation to a ball or a dinner party. It's an invitation to embark on a dangerous mission! Okay. That's me!" Roi Fabito
announced, excitement lining each word.

"It may sound impossible, but there is a town trapped in the 1970's. Very soon everyone in it will be dead unless we do something about it." Teala Dunn spoke, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"There's a dark seance that will take us back in time, but in order for this to work you must select a personality reminiscent of this era and dress as them" Jc Caylen read. "remember nothing from the modern world can come with you."

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