One a.m.

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I know that one day I'll find someone
I'll find someone who won't hurt me
I'll find someone who says they won't leave
And will mean it
And I'll be okay

But now I'm scared
I'm so so scared of everyone
That I stumble upon between now and then
Everyone that will hurt me
Everyone that says it, but doesn't mean it

Because you did this to me
You made me this way
You broke me, you see
But I'm just too scared to say

But I do hope you find someone
Someone who wouldn't ever hurt you
Someone who means it
When they say they won't leave
Someone who truly loves you
Someone just like me
But will be right for you

But before then I hope you find another
Another one just like me
Another who means what she says
And loves you unconditionally
Another girl to which you'll be the end

I hope you do the same thing to her
I hope you tell her such sweet and poetic things
Make her believe that maybe, just maybe
You're not what they all say
That she's different
After all, that's what you told her

I hope you give her false hope
Make her think you two aren't like others
That you actually have a chance of making it
Then out of the blue, just leave
Because that's what you did to me

And I hope she's as good with words
As you always said I am
I hope she's just like me
And all because of you
Will write heartbroken poetry

But I hope she's bolder than I
And she tells you all that's written
I hope it makes you realize what you do
This little game of yours
It's all wrong

I hope she makes you look back
On every girl between her and I
That you've done the same thing to

I hope she makes you remember it all
And you'll especially remember me
Since I was the first one you made fall

I hope she makes you sorry
Not just sympathy
But to the point where you think
Oh, God, I did this?
Because yes, you did

I hope she makes you feel like utter shit
For every girl you've ever done that to
Because no, it's not okay
I hope she makes you sorry
For every single thing you do

Because it's one a.m
And, oh, God
I can't keep my mind off you

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