The Eye of the Hurricane

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I remember when I first knew the boy with blue eyes

They reminded me of an ocean, deep and full of life

And soon I fell in love with the boy with blue eyes

I had fallen into the ocean I saw in his eyes

But my brown eyes couldn't catch the attention of his blue

Until one day he said to me, "I love you"

And so I could see deeper into his ocean

But what i couldn't see was one crucial fact:

I was destined to drown

I was in love with him. as he was with me

So one day I kissed the boy with blue eyes

Underneath the midnight sky

The one kiss led to many many more

And he made me feel special,

Which no one had ever done before

As the weather outside started to warm,

The ocean eyed boy did the same to my heart

But I failed to see in his eyes, the oncoming storm

Winter turned to spring, and spring into summer

And yet, he would tell anyone who asked,

"She's mine, and I love her."

Though for some peculiar reason

I couldn't seem to remember

Summer is hurricane season

I sank deeper and deeper into his eyes

I didn't realize just how deep

Until he said goodbye

I never fully understood why he left

He said I was in the way

But how could I, a mere small girl,

Stand in the way of a hurricane?

But that was exactly my mistake

I didn't realize he was a hurricane until it was too late

Because that's what he does to those he loves

He puts you in his blue eye

So you can never see the damage he does

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