1. the first day of summer

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"August slipped away in a moment of time, cause it was never mine"
—- August, Taylor Swift

  MADISON FISHER LOVED SUMMER, ESPECIALLY IN COUSINS BEACH. She adored the town, the people, the little shops and diners just a minute walk from her beach house, she adored the way the breeze was so perfect when she'd sit at the beach, listening to the waves  silently in her own little world.

She'd enjoy playing her songs on the piano, she was excited to get back to it. All year she had been going to classes after classes, and been improving tremendously.

She felt the only talent she ever had was playing the piano, and the only way she got attention.

She adored her mom, but her mom adored her brothers more.  She'd try not to notice, but it always shown. Like, one time Madi had finally gotten a solo in her schools winter concert. She told both her Mom and Dad the date and time.

But, it must of slipped their mind completely because they never showed up. She didn't know that until the concert had ended.

She was hurt, badly hurt. But she sucked it up, and made an excuse that maybe it was because of her Moms cancer. That was fully cured.

Her parents never missed Conrad's football games or Jeres swim meets.

She was never petty though, she showed up for them too. She went to every game and every meet.

She had just wished she gotten the same treatment.

"They're here!", her Mom yelled from all the way downstairs.

Madi dreaded this moment, not because she didn't want to see her friends. But because of how much Belly had grown.

All her life Madi felt like she was being compared to Belly. And from seeing Laurels Facebook posts, she realized she would yet again be compared nonstop to Belly.

Madi made her way downstairs and out the door. She ran over to Steven and he engulfed her in a hug.

"Madi isn't so little anymore, huh?", Steven always knew what to say to Madi. "Yea well, I'm not 13 anymore. I'm 15 going on 16!", she smiled.

Her birthday was July 28, and every year she would have the sam exact party. Laurel and Susannah would host a pool party, invite all their friends and two of Madi's.

But, Madi wanted this year to be different. She wanted to go crazy and invite everyone in cousins. But her Mom would never allow that.

"Slow down Madi, that's not for like a good month. Don't start growing up on me.", he smiled and left to talk to Jeremiah.

Steven and Madi both had a thing for eachother when they were younger. They dated for a week, then broke up. Madi was "heartbroken", so Conrad and Jeremiah both threatened to beat Steven up.

That's what was so good about them, they were so overprotective over Madi. It made her feel safe, no matter how much she envied them, she always knew they would protect her from anything.

Conrad had finally come out and Belly was in a complete trance. Madi hated how in love Belly was with her brother. She always knew how it was gonna end, Conrad would pay no attention to her and her heart would be broken by the end of the summer.

But this time was different, Conrad had a sort of twinkle in his eye when he saw Belly. Like he was the one head over heels for Belly.

Laurel had finally came up to Madi after being completely attacked by Jeremiah, Susannah and Conrad. "Oh wow Susannah, Madi looks gorgeous", Laurel took Madis hand and gave her a little turn and a quick hug.

Laurel was like a second mother to her, she always knew how to make Madi talk about her feelings. Laurel was like a therapist, but instead she was an amazing Author. Just not very well known..

Madi smiled and said, "I'm so glad you here Laurel, I missed you", they exchanged another quick hug and Madi made her way over to Belly.

Madi was nervous for some reason, I mean her bestfriend just decided to grow up one day and be extremely gorgeous. Again, Madi couldn't help but be jealous.

"Wow Bells, you look amazing. And your glasses, they're gone", Madi masked her jealousy with happiness.

"I know! This is the summer I turned pretty, i guess.", Belly laughed and wrapped Madi in a hug, "I missed you so much Madi, like seriously. It's been too long." They were interrupted by both Jeremiah and Steven

"Hey girls, you know what time it is?", Madi and Belly both looked at each other.

Oh god.

"Its time for a Melly Flop!!", without thinking they both grabbed Madi and Belly and brought them to the pool.

"3,2,1", Steven threw Madi in first, then followed Jere and Conrad throwing Belly in.

The "Melly" flop was a tradition the boys picked up on years ago. It first started with just Belly being thrown into the pool because of her nickname, "Belly... Belly Flop", but the summer of 2012 came and Madi made it clear she felt left out.

So the boys decide to be nice and include her and the famous belly flop was later renamed the Melly flop.

"Hey guys, I think I hurt my ankle. Like bad. Conrad can you please help me.", Belly was a good actress she reached her hand out and right as Conrad took her hand she pulled him into the water.

Karmas a bitch

an: hey guys author here, so I again decided to rewrite this story again! But this will be the last time, I will be switching on and off writing in third person to first person and blablabla. Thank you for reading so far and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book !

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