11- 10 things i hate about you

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JULY  8TH 2020,

"My friends are really nice, trust me," cam spoke—leading Madi down to the dock. "I mean there is only three of them, but.." he trailed off, they both were extremely tired that morning.

Madi agreed to come with Cam one morning for his internship—and today was the day. She tried to act like she wasn't about to pass out, but she wasn't a morning person.

"Mads?" he said—snapping his fingers in her face, which quickly pulled her out of her "sleep".

The boat had come—and several other people who looked 10 time Cams age walked into the boat. He sighed, "Yea, I'm the only one whose still in high-school," he shrugged and held his hand out, "After you m'lady," Madi laughed, "Oh, why thank you sir."

The boat was pretty big on the inside, "So, what do you do?", she asked. "Well, i just study the ocean and the sea-creatures in it," he smiled, "It's pretty cool, you'd like it Mads."

Mads?, she thought—no one had ever called her that. Cam started walking out to the balcony on the boat, "Hold on, you have a nickname for me?" she asked—catching up to him. "Oh Mads?" he questioned and she nodded, "Well, that night on the beach it's how you spelled you name. So I just kept it," he shrugged—giving her a small smile.

She smiled—he has a nickname for her.

The two haven't really talked about what happened that night at the beach. They just called and texted all day. Madi's whole family questioned why the hell she is smiling at her phone. She even stopped playing her piano for a while.

Cam showed Madi what to do—and she had a blast.


"That was pretty cool, whale boy," she smiled as they both started riding their bikes back to the town. He looked at her confused—almost losing control of his bike, "Oh so now I have a nickname?" he asked. Madi just giggled as she sped up on her bike.

"Yea, yea whatever shark girl," he rolled his eyes at her as they parked their bikes in the driveway of one of Cams friends house.

"What are their names again?", Madi asked nervously—she never really had friends, well she did, but not a group of friends.

"Asher—but you can call him Ash," he continued, "daphne and Delaney—but again, you can call her Laney", he smiled at madi—trying to comfort her, "Listen, they are nice people. Your going to like them," he smiled and led her up to the door.

They knocked and a brunette answered, "Cam!", she yelled, "guys they are here!" she yelled into the house as she engulfed cam into a hug.

Madi felt a stung in her heart—oh god were they dating? is she a home wrecker now? did cam cheat with Madi?

"You must me Madi," she smiled, "Your beautiful", she brought her into a hug and gave Cam the look.

A boy came running out after she had yelled—he was tall and had this fluffy brown hair. He was cute—but he had a lot of energy.

"Cam!" he immediately tackled Cam to the ground—as another girl came out from the house. She intimidated Madi, she had long blonde hair and a resting bitch face.

"Boys," she rolled her eyes and held out her hand, "I'm Delaney—but you can call me Laney," madi took her hand, "Madi."

"Yes, we all have heard so much about you," she said jokingly—before the other girl hit her in the shoulder and whispered, Cut it out.

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